What do we do?

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(In Apink's hotel room)
Eunji: What should we do Unnie?<still holding onto the baby>the baby's mother already stated in the note that she wanted us to take care of her. Moreover, we can't just abandon her.
Chorong: Should we call manager oppa?
Naeun: I think we should<reaching for her phone in her bag>
<An hour later>
<ding dong>
Hayoung: I'll get the door
<opens the door>
<Manager oppa enters with a serious look on his face>
Chorong: Oppa!
Oppa: Now girls what was so important that you can't tell me over the phone?
Eunji: Here, oppa<turning around to let him see the baby>
Oppa: Oh no! Don't tell me that that's your child<pointing to the baby> you should have told me Eunji, how could you keep something like that from me. Whose its father anyways?
Eunji: Oppa! It's not my child! Someone just left it at our doorstep! Btw I don't even have a boyfriend<looking at him furiously while holding onto the child>
Hayoung: Here,<handing the note to him>its a note from the mother saying that she wants us to take care of the baby
Oppa:<reads the note and slams the note on the table> does she even know who you girls are? You girls are idols, she can't just leave her child in the care of some children by leaving her at the doorstep of a hotel room! What was the mother thinking? I will check the surveillance system to see if there is anything about the mother. In the meantime, try to keep the baby quiet for the next couple of hours till I have found something. Here<handing Chorong some money> go buy some baby stuff with this money. I am sure there's a shopping down the road, make sure to disguise yourselves when buying the stuff.<at that, he left the room in a hurry>

Chorong: Now that oppa is gone, we would have to go buy some things for her to keep her quiet for the next couple of hours till oppa comes back.
Eunji: Ok let's split into two groups, me, Chorong unnie and Bomi will be going to get the things while the three of you try to take care of her.
Namjoo: But unnie non of us know how to take care of a baby
Eunji: I have to get the things since I am the only one who knows what to buy, and it will not take very long to buy the things.
Namjoo: But Unnie.....
Eunji: Unnie believe that you can take care of her when we're gone. Hwaiting!
Bomi: Let's go shopping!
<After the Unnie have left>
Namjoo: Ok we can do this, we just have to let her sleep while the unnies are. We can do this!

Hi this is part two of the story I hope you guys have enjoyed it.....

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