Chapter 1: Awakened

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Hello everyone, hi welcome to my new story it's call the male of salem. It's fanfiction for one of my favorite shows and the best season ever American Horror Story coven. Just a heads up it is a boyxboy story so do what you will with that but no hate please. Also it does have graphic language to fit the feel of AHS: Coven but other than that I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own American Horror Story: Coven. I am just a fan who loved it so much that I decided to continue it.


Chapter 1: Awakened

"I fucken hate this place, dammit! Why do I have to be surrounded by such stupid fucking people?" I screamed in the hallway, thinking only my best friend Nova heard me.

I realized that after I did, the whole hallway was looking at me, and I don't like that at all. "What the fuck are ya'll looking at?" I scream again making sure everyone heard me.

They then looked away and continued their pointless lives of being ratchet and disgusting. I then looked back at Nova and we just started flat out laughing our asses off. "Yo, ya mad dumb. Why you always gotta be mad crazy?" She asked me honestly, but I didn't know.

"I don't know but it's better than being like one of the ratchets."

"That's so true, I'd never want to be like them; that's just dirty." Nova agreed it is true; most of the people we're surrounded by are ghetto kids with bad personalities who don't know how to read or keep their legs closed. We live in a predominately poor town that's small enough for everyone to know you but not care to talk to you.

"I'm just so ready to leave; I can only wish that something magical would happen to me," I said really exaggerating it a bit. But it is true I really do want something magical and amazing to happen to me. I feel different; I'm not like other people. Other than the fact that I like boys: I like magic. I feel like I belong to another world full of powerful creatures, witches, and so much more.

"Dude calm down, these people are not going to ruin our fun, we could give two fucks about them anyway." Nova is so right, her advice has never steered me wrong.

We continued walking down the hall until we made it to Nova's class, it was finally eighth period. That just means ninth is not too far away.

"Alright girl I gotta go, I'll see you later."

"Kk byez!" Nova replied exaggerating the bye for no reason.

I started walking down the hallway to my class when I had a strange feeling come onto me: it felt as if a big weight was being put onto my body and was crushing me. As I was feeling this, the lights in the hallway started to flicker, almost like the energy was being drained from then. After a minute, they completely shut off and I was surrounded by complete darkness.

I also noticed that I was completely alone, and even if I wanted to scream for help I couldn't because I could feel my throat slowly tighten and constrict my vocal cords. I had to clench my throat from the fear of losing air, but it was a useless attempt as I already was. My knees gave in as the pressure I was feeling on my body was too much for me to handle.

I collapsed on the floor due to my excessive hyperventilating and heavy amounts of weight pulling me down. Then as my body collided with the floor, a huge energy traveled through my body and came up through my eyes causing them to burn. The feeling was as if someone was pouring acid on my face. I was almost at the point of passing out due to the lack of air to my brain and constant pain, but as I was about to let the darkness take me it all stopped.

Just like that, it was over the lights on, my body feeling lighter, my throat and breathing fine and my eyes weren't burning at all.

I got up off the floor and looked around to check for anyone in sight but there wasn't anybody around, not even a janitor. I quickly got up and situated myself and picked up my bag off the floor. Somehow during my encounter with death, the bell must have rung because I was getting a feeling that I was late.

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