New friends

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April hadn't been talking to us when we called her. It was strange, so tonight we went to watch over her. With her was another girl. She had carrot colored hair and was wearing a dark green shirt and light blue jeans. She also had a dark red cape. The color a lot like Raph's. She looked at us and I saw her eyes. They were beautiful! A bright emerald green eyes that matched with her so well. "MIKEY!" Leo said as he jumped away. I followed and was kinda confused. "Why are we hiding?" I asked. "They can't see us!" Leo said. "Why not?" I asked. Raph hit me in the back of the head. "Owwww~!" I said. "Think stupid!" I frowned but looked back and saw them leave.


Leo kept us there. I don't know why, but it got really boring, really quick. I was playing on my tee-phone when I heard a yell. I immediately stood up and saw some purple dragons attacking them. "Come on!" Leo said quickly. We all jumped down and finished them off quickly. Donnie went to April and helped her out. She was ok, the other girl though was passed out. I picked her up, and looked at her. She's so beautiful! I leaned in a little close and saw she had freckles like me. Her bangs covered her eye, so I gently moved it away from her eyes. I just couldn't stop starring at her. "Mikey!" Raph called. I looked up and looked at him. "What the heck you you starein at?" I picked her up and walked over to them letting them see her.

April got up and looked at them. "Can we please take her to the lair?" She asked. Leo shook his head. "No way! She'll scream when she sees us, and sensei wouldn't like it." April looked upset. "Please guys! She has a freakin broken arm! Come on." No body talked for a few moments. "Yea, we should!" I said. Everyone looked at me like 'what, now?' "We should! Aprils right. She is hurt and also we might get a new friend!" Finally Leo sighed and said "Fine. Let's go." Me and April smiled. We walked back home.


I woke up too see I was in a room. I looked around a bit and sat up. My head began to swirl like crazy! I laid back down and it stopped. "Where am I?" I asked my self. I heard a door open and I saw 4 giant turtles and April. But one of them caught my attention. He was wearing a darkish orange mask, with sky blue eyes and had little freckles like me. He had a cute smile too, and a strong built body. "Hey." One said too me. I looked at the one in blue mask, with sea blue eyes and looked pretty strong. "What happened?" I asked him. "You were attacked by some purple dragons. We saved you." Another one said he, had a purple mask. He had hazel brown eyes and while he talked I saw he had a gap in his teeth. Also looked pretty strong. "Hey ain't ya gonna scream?" I looked at another. He had a dark red mask but bright green eyes, way brighter then mine. He looked to be the strongest of them. But I heard a Brooklyn accent. "No... Why would I?" I asked confused. "Well most people do." Blue said. "I'm clover." I said. "Im Leo." The one in blue said. "Raph." Red said. " I'm Donnie." Purple said. "HI!" The orange one said and ran up to me. "I'm Mikey! Or dr.prankinstin!" He said. I laughed at his other name. "That's a cool name bro." I said. He smiled and laughed. "See? I told ya guys it was good!"

April smiled and walked to me. "April! Are you ok? I saw that one guy on you!" I said. "I'm fine. Are you ok?" I lightly shook my head. "No my head hurts kinda bad. Plus my back and arm." I said. I looked down at my arm and saw it was patched up. "Who patched me up?" I asked. Donnie smiled and I saw the gap more clearly. "That was me!" I smiled too. "Thank you." I turned to them. "All of you guys. Thanks." Mikey rushed towards me and showered me in questions. "Do ya like orange?" I nodded. "How about pizza and comics?" I nodded again and said "Who doesn't?" He hugged me. I couldn't move at all. "WHERE GOING TO BE BEST FRIENDS!!" He yelled. I laughed, he was the younge childish one. I'm sure Donnie's the smart one. But Raph and Leo? I'm not quite sure. Mikey let go and raced out for a second. "Where did he-?" Before I could finish he ran back in with lots of comic books. "Go." I finished. My eyes flashed to a batman one. I immediately took and smiled. "I LOVE BATMAN!!" I said. "ME TOO!" He laid down by me and we started to read them.

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