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A/N: So the video above is the song Link plays for Zelda, Elvin, and Viessa. The person who played this lovely song combined it with another, so if you listen to the whole thing, you will know where it splits. Comment below if you know what the song is from, and with that, let's continue! Love you guys XD

The four of them got up from their seats and Zelda lead them into the grand piano room. It was a large room with nothing but open, golden, tile floors and walls. In the corner in front of a huge window was placed a slick, shiny, black piano, glinting in the afternoon sun.

"What a lovely piano you have Zelda!" Elvin admired. 

"Thank you!" 

She looked over and saw Viessa glaring over at Link, who didn't seem to be worried at all about his "performance".

Why does he look so confident? Does he really believe he can  just wing it? 

He sat down on the piano bench and took a deep breath. He caught Zelda looking at him nervously, and so he smiled halfheartedly back to reassure her.

That doesn't make me feel better if that's what you were going for you idiot!

Link chuckled anxiously in response to Zelda's reaction. He placed his hands on the keys and an ear-splitting noise sounded from the piano. He chuckled out of nervousness again. Viessa tries to hold in her laughter, but failed to do so.

"I'd say...phhhmssh"


Ohmygod Link please-

He began to press his fingers into the black and white keys once again, but this time, a more delicate and beautiful sound came out instead. Viessa's laughter ceased and all eyes were on Link. Zelda gazed at Link from behind in awe.

Wha-what the hell just happ- you know what I'm not even gonna wonder anymore. It's always a mystery with this one, isn't it? Makes me love him even more...

Every note that came out from under his fingertips was a surprise to them all. It wasn't a classical or traditional song someone would normally play for royalty, but anyone in their right mind would agree that the song Link was playing was really unexpected and emotional. Zelda could tell he put a lot of his thoughts and feelings into this song. She wouldn't stop smiling!

Link rolled his fingers across the last couple of keys and wrapped up the song. He gently closed the piano and got up from his seat and bowed politely. The three of them were looking at him in amazement. Elvin was the first to clap.

"Wow Link! You really are talented."

Zelda snapped back into reality.

"It was really a beautiful piece!"

Link beamed. He then turned his head to Viessa, wanting to know if she was impressed or not. She faced him and eyed him from head to toe.

"Well it was not...terrible."

Link's eyes widened with glee.

"But I din't say I enjoyed it, so there!"

Link's ears drooped. 

"Well, we best be getting some rest before dinner. We'll see you at 7:30 Zelda!" Viessa called out as she walked away beside Elvin, who waved back at them while smiling. Zelda was now alone with Link again...not that she minded or anything....

She ran up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist playfully and nuzzled her head against his back. Link jumped, unaware she was going to do that.

"You were amazing! I never knew you actually played classical instruments..."

Link laughed lightly.

"You made me fall in love with you even more, you know? You're so full of surprises..."

Link blushed a little.

Zelda wiggled her fingers and began to tickle Link's stomach. But Link didn't budge. He was actually confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Wait a minute. Just give me a sec..."

Zelda raised his arms and tried tickling him there.


"Are you trying to tickle me?"

"Yes! Ugh why are you not ticklish?!"

Link laughed his real and genuine laugh and it echoed in the spacious room. Zelda looked up at him in awe.

There's that laugh of his. I love it when he laughs like this...

"Hey! HAHHA!"

Link caught her off guard and began tickling her.

"L-Link! S..S...TOP!"

She was laughing so hard she almost couldn't breathe. 

"Ple...ase L...Link! I can't-"

She was interrupted by Link turning her her so that her back was facing him. His arms crossed around her waist and he kissed her softly on the cheek.


"You're too sweet..."



They both turned around to see a black cat with blue eyes, peering behind the partially ajar door.

"Oh it's just Viessa's cat, Harrium."

The cat licked it's paw and strode away from he two of them...lookin pretty sus (suspicious).

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