I had to be careful, of course. The universe was supposed to think I was dead. I stuck to the shadows, mostly, kept the TARDIS out of sight. I tried not to interfere with anything too big, and to keep my name out of the mouths of others.

It was during one of these trips for information on Rose that I ended up on a little asteroid caught in orbit around a moon in the Lonely Nebula. The Lonely Nebula was about as far away from any other civilization as one could get, hence the name. There was a small settlement on the asteroid, though it was filled mostly with escaped convicts. I figured if there was any place bound to have trouble, it would be here. And Rose loved trouble.

I wore a cloak with the hood pulled low over my face; it both allowed me to blend in-an asteroid full of wanted criminals was bound to have plenty of people keeping their faces covered-and the obvious of keeping my identity a secret.

I decided very quickly that i didn't like it on this asteroid. But i kept my head low and ears open and meandered through the crowds, listening for anyone who mentioned any of Rose's many names.

I went into a seedy bar and leaned causally on the counter, and ordered tea, when everyone laughed. that i heard someone mention the name "Larentia." As casually as I was able-which is to say, as obviously as possible-moved closer to the group in the corner, and listened in quietly sipping on my tea.

"I say we kill her," grumbled one voice.

"An' how exactly do ya plan to do that? She kicked yer bottom last time you tried!" Another voice snapped back.

"Well if we all went after her!" The first voice argued back.

"She would still defeat us!" A second protested.

"She's just one bloody person!" Another voice interjected.

"I hear she can't die." I glanced towards this voice, and saw what looked like an old man, but with a few more fangs.

The others scoffed at this. "Right old man, just like I'm sure she's also the Bad Wolf." They all returned to their original discussion, ignoring the old man's grumble of "It's yer funeral."

I continued to listen to the thugs argue, growing angrier by the second as they all started taking part in a very vivid discussion of all the ways they'd kill my Rose if they got the chance, and i was on the verge of blowing up the whole darn asteroid.

Eventually they dispersed, most laughing off the conversation, but a small group of three had decided they would try and kill Larentia. I threw the cup of tea to the side which broke with a crack and quietly followed them, reminding myself over and over again that I couldn't kill them. I could however, knock them out and drag them over to Stormcage.

Which, through the clever use of a spatula, a bottle of oil, a match, and a screaming child who agreed with the plan.

I left them in a hall somewhere, with a rather detailed list of their offences (i may have run their faces through the TARDIS databanks and found every crime they'd ever committed), then left before anyone could notice me.

I shook my head back on board the TARDIS. My Rose was making enemies. True, the bunch of idiots I'd just caught weren't overly threatening, but i was sure there were worse. I was worried. Rose couldn't die, i knew, but she could still be hurt, or tortured, or...there were too many or-s.

And so, after that quick mini adventure, I began to quietly deal with anyone who planned to hurt my Rose.



As we walked back onto the TARDIS, i wasn't sure if i should be laughing or shouting at Mels' recent exploits. We'd gone to a very peaceful planet just to attend the harvest festival. Everything was going along perfectly until Mels somehow managed to get herself engaged to young man (who vaguely resembled a fish in that he was covered in scales), breaking off a previous engagement in the process. The next thing i knew, there was a feud going on between the two families to rival that of the Hatfield's and the McCoy's. In the end, i had to step in and explain everything, and promise that Mels and I would never return.

"So...that was fun," Mels stated idly, running a finger over the console.

I raised an eyebrow. "Fun? You almost started a war!" I exclaimed. Though, oddly enough,I still wasn't entirely sure if i found the whole event amusing or not.

"Almost! And now that poor fish-girl knows what she's getting into with fish-boy. Honestly, he came on to me! At least...I think so. Still not entirely sure when I agreed to marry him..." Mels trailed off, frowning slightly.

And with that i burst into laughter. "Okay, this is why I said not to wander off," i choked out after a moment, still giggling. Mels grinned.

"Yes Auntie dearest," she said in a sugar sweet voice that promised the opposite.

I groaned before going to the controls. "Right. Let's go somewhere where you can't start any feuds. Like a desert. Can't bother anyone off if there's no one there!"

Mels stuck out her tongue in response, and dropped into the jump seat. "What's your favorite place in the universe?" She asked curiously.

I paused considering the question. It was actually more difficult than i thought; i'd seen so many beautiful places, met so many wonderful cultures. There were a few that stuck out more than others, but my favorite?

"...I went there when I first started traveling," I said after a moment, the answer coming to me suddenly. It was so obvious that i wondered how i didn't realize it sooner. "It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen, and it's completely untouched. It's almost as if time forgot the whole planet..." i trailed off, smiling slightly to myself. I turned to Mels after a moment. "Would you like to see it?"

Mels nodded eagerly. She was always desperate to see new places.

I smiled, dancing about the console as I normally did, but my mind was years and years away.

We landed, and Mels bounded out the door, me close behind. "Welcome," i said softly, "to Woman Wept."

They were both quiet as they looked around; Mels with wonder and me with thoughtfulness. The planet was just as i remembered it: frozen waves in varying shades of blue and green and black, the sky a deep lavender. A crescent moon that seemed far too close hung over the horizon. It was beautiful, and silent, and haunting.

Mels moved farther out onto the ice, slipping a bit, but doing much better than i had the first time i was here.

The first time. I sighed, and started walking. The first time I had been with my first Doctor. He'd brought me here shortly after the fiasco with my father, as a sort of present. I smiled slightly as i remembered my face when i'd seen the planet.

We'd spent hours here, just exploring the waves and talking. I'd been looking at one of the waves when i'd caught the look on the Doctor's face in his reflection in the ice. He'd been looking at me in open adoration, as if he couldn't quite believe that i existed, that i was there in front of him. It was then that I had realized that the Doctor was as in love with me as much as I'd been with him.

I shivered in the nonexistent wind. So much had changed since that day; I'd changed so much since that day. But still, that memory, this planet...they were precious to me. And they always would be, no matter what changed.

Eventually, i called to Mels, and we returned to the TARDIS, and went back to the stars.


Guys. GUYS. I KNOW HOW IT ENDS. I haven't, up until a few hours ago. Thanks everyone for all the wonderful encouragement you've sent me so far. I couldn't have made it this far without all of you.

The next chapter should be...interesting. I just hope it's merciful on me.


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