Bad Wolf

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Chapter 12

Bad Wolf's Return



RIVER: You got 3, I was 2, Mister Delaware was 4.


RIVER: So, where's 1?

RORY: What, you think he invited someone else?

RIVER: Well, he must have. He planned all of this, to the last detail.

AMY: Will you two shut up? It doesn't matter.

RIVER: He was up to something.

AMY: He's dead.

RIVER: Space, 1969. What did he mean?

AMY: You're still talking, but it doesn't matter.

RORY: Hey, it mattered to him.

RIVER: So it matters to us.

AMY: He's dead.

RIVER: But he still needs us. I know. Amy, I know. But right now we have to focus.

RORY: Look.

(Another blue envelope on a table near the back.)

RORY: Excuse me, who was sitting over there?

BUSBOY: Some guy.

RIVER: The Doctor knew he was going to his death, so he sent out messages. When you know it's the end, who do you call?

RORY: Er, your friends. People you trust.

RIVER: Number 1. Who did The Doctor trust the most?

(The person who comes out of the restroom, that's Who.)

RIVER: This is cold. Even by your standards, this is cold.

DOCTOR: Or hello, as people used to say.

AMY: Doctor?

DOCTOR: I just popped out to get my special straw. It adds more fizz.

AMY: You're okay. How can you be okay? (she tears up, pulling the Doctor in for a hug)

DOCTOR: Hey, of course I'm okay. I'm always okay. I'm the King of Okay. Oh, that's a rubbish title. Forget that title. Rory the Roman! That's a good title. Hello, Rory. And Doctor River Song. Oh, you bad, bad girl. What trouble have you got for me this time?

(River slaps the Doctor, hard.)

DOCTOR: Okay. I'm assuming that's for something I haven't done yet.

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