Chapter 3

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Zayn's POV

"Shit," I mumbled as I moved Liam's phone away from my ear. "Harry's coming over." I turned around to look at Louis.

Shit. Shit, fuck, fuckity fuck fuck. 

"Louis? Lou, are you alright?" Niall asked with panic growing in his voice. No. Louis wasn't alright. He was sat on his bed like any other normal day but this time he was breathing faster then any normal person. Louis took long strained gapes of air but it didn't seem like he could get enough. He raced his hands through his hair and started violently tugging at it while he see looked into nowhere. Niall reached over to touch Louis but he quickly flinched away before Niall could. 

"Don't touch me!" Louis screamed in his despair. Niall quickly stumbled backwards away from the older boy. He looked over at Liam and I with big frightened eyes. 

"It's O.K., Niall, it's fine, Louis isn't mad at you." I quickly said as I made my way over to Louis. I gulped nervously, unsure what to do with the panicking boy on the bed. "Niall, listen very closely to me." I tried to say in my best calm voice. "I need you to go downstairs and call Jay and tell her that Louis is having an episode, Ok? And I need you to get her to tell us what to do."

Niall quickly nodded and raced out the door. 

"Zayn, is Louis having a-a....?" Liam's voice trailed off as he stared intently at Louis. I bit my lip nervously and nodded, knowing that Liam somehow knew. 

"Yeah." I whispered and nervously played with my fingers. "I don't know what to do when he gets like this. It's only happened once when I was with him and Jay was there. She said that she would teach me how to help but we never got to and she also said that if I didn't help him the right way then he could get even worse and oh my god this is already so much worse than that last time and what's going to help if I try to do something and I fuck it up?" I rushed out with my eyes wide. 

"Zayn calm down! All your doing is adding panic into the room and that's not going to help Louis." Liam grabbed my shoulder's tightly and looked me in the eyes. "All that's going to do is make him worse. Now listen to me, whatever you do, don't touch him. No matter how much you want to, you cannot touch him, do you understand?" 

I stood there staring at Liam with wide eyes.

"Do you understand, Zayn?" Liam yelled in my face. I gasped before nodding quickly. "Good, now go and get him some water."

I nodded before running out of the room. I went downstairs to the kitchen to see Niall still on the phone, seemingly trying to talk to Jay still.

"No! You don't understand! I need  to speak to Mrs. Tomlinson! Something is wrong with her son! I KNOW- I know she's in an important meeting but this is more important!" Niall exclaimed with alarm. 

I shook my head and grabbed some some water for Louis. Niall would have to deal with because right now Louis needed me. Racing back up the stairs, I hurried into Louis' room to see a kneeling Liam by the side of the bed. 

"Listen to me, Louis, you are fine. Everything is OK. Whatever it is that your panicking about is O.K. Do you understand? There is no need to panic. You're only in your room with me and Zayn." Liam said in a completely calm and soothing voice. "Nobody else is in here with you. There is nothing to panic about. Everything is alright. Remember, it's me, Liam and we're just in your room. It's alright."  Liam continuously repeated some version of those words as he tried to get Louis to calm down. 

Louis' POV

No, no, no. It's not alright. It's not. Nothing is alright. Can't you see that, Liam? Nothing is alright! How could anything be alright? Everything is bad. Everything is horrible.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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