Don't Let Me Go (Larry Stylinson Sequel)

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Louis' POV

I smiled down at the curly haired boy. He looked so innocent when he slept. It was nice to see him without any worries holding him down, which, to be perfectly honestly, he had a lot of. But who could blame the boy? He was kidnapped when he was just a baby! 

And it showed.

Harry was so terrified to make the wrong move around people that sometimes when he did he would burst out sobbing. My heart ached just thinking about it. Whenever this happened Harry would ran straight to me, that is when I wasn't with him (Which didn't happen often). It was all my fault. For one thing, it was my fault that Harry got kidnapped in the first place! Harry thinks that he convinced me that it wasn't my fault, but in reality, I blame myself for then ever. For another thing, I shouldn't be leaving Harry alone near people that he would be worried about! I should be paying enough attention to him to know who he feels so uncomfortable around that he would cry because of a little mistake. However, no matter how much it seems like I'm trying, I just can't tell sometimes! This can only be because of one thing, and one thing only: I am a horrible boyfriend. 

Which was true.

I was a horrible boyfriend because of 1. I was the cause of his kidnapping, and 2. I leave him with people he doesn't feel comfortable with. This was enough reason for me to prove my theory. 

I sighed softly and sadly glanced around my room. Harry deserve so much better and he was stuck with just me. I deserved some hooker off the side of the street and I knew that. I looked at the clock then back down at Harry. Gently, I moved his head to a pillow instead of on my lap. 

"I'm going to go make you some dinner." I whispered even though I knew he couldn't hear me. I stood up from the bed and made sure he was properly covered with the soft blanket. Once I was sure he wouldn't be going cold, I moved out of the room silently and down the stairs to the kitchen. I hummed under my breath as I looked though the fridge.

"Perfect!" I mumbled as I pulled out some taco meat. "Harry loves tacos!" I set the pan full of meat on the strove and turned it on. 

Knock, knock

I furrowed my eyebrows as I walked towards the door. Who could that be? As I neared the door, I saw a pile of letters on the ground. What? I bent down and picked them up only to face palm. 

"Duh, of course, it's the mail!" I smiled softly. I shuffled through the mail to see if anything was addressed to me.

Louis Tomlinson

17851 Harththrone Path

I smiled in victory as I put the rest of the mail on the counter by the door. I turned the envelope over and clumsy opened it. I pulled the letter out and beginning to read it. 

Instantly my smile was wiped off my face. My breathing quickened as I clenched the paper harder and harder. This couldn't be happening.

No, no. This just couldn't! It wasn't fair! It just wasn't fucking fair! I can't believe it. I can't believe after everything we've been through something like this would happen! What will Harry-HARRY! 

I spun around to make sure that he wasn't there before rushing to the bathroom near by. I slammed the door shut and continued to read the letter. However, it grew increasingly harder as my eyes started to tear up. 

"Louis? Where are you? And why is there meat burning on the strove?" 

I think I'm going to be sick.

"Lou, are you in there?" Harry's voice called through the door. I fell down to my knees and retched into the toilet. "Louis!" The door swung open as he ran in. I shoved the letter behind the toilet as I continued to throw up. Fingers started to make soothing patterns on my back as Harry crouched next to me. 

Once I was done, I put my head on the edge of the toilet. I looked up at Harry feeling exhausted. 

"Oh, poor BooBear," Harry said sadly, "My poor BooBear, c'mon, let's get you up and straight into bed. You must be feeling horrible." I allowed Harry to pull me up from the floor and leaned my body weight on him, needing some type of reassurance that everything was going to be alright. 

"Oh god, Louis! You're shaking like a feather!" Harry exclaimed.I looked at one of my hands to see that I was, in fact, shaking quite badly. "C'mon, you've got to get you under some blankets quick! Then I'll check your temp and make you some soup, ok?" I nodded slowly as we slowly make the trek up the stairs. 

As I was lying under the blankets alone, thousands of questions raced through my mind. All of them with no answers. I didn't know what was going to happen, and I didn't know what I was going to do, but one thing was for sure: I could never tell Harry. 


And that, my friends, is the beginning! Woo! Fun times! So yeah, like i said, this was really short because it was the beginning and I will be working on making my chapters longer then just a page or two! So hopefully that will work out! What do you guys think so far? Here's the question: What do you think the letter said and who was it from?

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