Beginning of her end.

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     The winds whistled and the clouds parted to reveal a glistening moon within the presence of a billion stars. The echo of snow being crunched under soft foot steps in the daring night. A small cottage awaited a dreadful destiny. Inside the cottage lay a mother, a father, and their two children. The oldest child, the age of 6,  lay in her father's arms sound asleep, unaware of the danger approaching. The youngest child, a small boy, the age of 4, rest beside the mother in their graceful sleep, cradled close towards the father. Still, no one knew, no one awoke, no one made a sound...

   Red eyes shone through the forest, peering at the cottage, aware of what they would do next, this was a goal, a painful meeting...a revenge. They dashed through the forest avoiding fallen tree logs and sharp rocks occasionally sticking out of the hard bedded snow, trying to stop the intruder. The unknown being lunged and grasped a tree branch,climbing up and then monkeying through the trees. Then stopped. They had reached the final tree that opened up to the flat plain surrounded by trees that held the small cottage. It was time.

    Bright yellow eyes fluttered open in a heartbeat when the sense of danger approached his sleeping body, he knew. He rushed to grab both children and hid them beneath the floor board, he then raced back to his wife, his beautiful loving wife... She sat there, awoken by the small boy being taken from her side, she stared at her husband in fright, she now too knew. She bowed her head quietly and raised it back up in an instant, staring at the floor board her children have been placed in. Because she did this, it slammed shut with a THUD sound. She stood up and connected her hand with her mates, it was time.

    The couple walked outside calmly, their eyes piercing each tree,each bush that lay beneath the snow, they listened to the winds and the small animals lingering at night. Then they saw, the red eyes, approaching them with confidence, without a fear to be shown, with a desire to kill them and leave victorious.
    " dumfounded fools! will pay for your doings..!" The red eyed man raged but stayed in his place, a few miles back from them.

   "You should've known we sensed you...Zoron.." The mother said with direct eye contact to the man known as zoron.
  "Indeed my love, but zoron..I know why you're was 6 years ago, have you still not forgiven me for protecting my beloved?" The father spoke these words like a poet would, but more confidently said than intended.

  " Protecting? You idiot! While you were so called protecting that woman you managed to kill my brother!!" He yelled angrily, ruining the quiet atmosphere.

   " He attacked my wife! While she was pregnant! You expect me to behave rationally?! Thanks to him I have lost my child! He damn well deserved to die" the father said with a small smile on his face.

   This was the pretend they had no protect them.."our daughter...our could've been child! He was the reason we are without a family! He killed an unborn baby..don't you think he should've paid us back...with his life?" The mother screamed as if it were real agony. Real pain that dwelled in her heart of the loss of a child that could've been hers.

" NO! HE DID NO SUCH THING! LIARS!" Zoron raged once more and charged straight for the mother " YOU WILL PAY SEBASTION, AND SO WILL YOUR WIFE, CELESTIA!" He screamed.

  Sebastion moved in front of Celestia and started to transform, "THEN LET US BEGIN!" sebastion raged.

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