Darker, Darker, Yet Darker...

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"Oh my god... Dipper, I'm so sorry..." Wendy said, but there was no response. 

Everyone tried talking to Dipper, but it was as if someone had pressed pause on his brain. His eyes were closed but it was clear he was still alive, because when Gideon tried to reach Mabel, Dipper held her body even tighter, not letting go. 

Bill watched the little group of humans with confusion.  

"Well, this isn't as entertaining as I thought it would be. Where's the mourning? The crying? The sorrow?" He questioned, a hint of annoyance. An idea then rushed into his mind. "Maybe I can spice things up a bit, Pine Tree, by killing your precious Red! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" 

"You've gone too far, Cipher..." Dipper spoke, but it didn't sound like him. It was still his voice, but someone else's spoke alongside it.

He stood up, turned towards Bill and without opening his eyes, which were flowing with tears, said, "You promised. You said no matter what, she wouldn't be hurt. You broke your end of the deal." 

Dipper advanced on the Dream Demon, who backed away slightly in response.

"You know what that means..." Dipper said, stopping in place. He began to emit a dark blue aura, darkening his body and he opened his eyes but instead of two human eyes, were two orbs of wild blue energy. 

"Whoa, what's gotten into you, Pinetree?" Bill said. "You don't look so g-"

He was interupted when Dipper grabbed the demon, set his hand alight with blue flames and started torturing Bill to his heart's desire. 

"Sorry Bill, but you're MY puppet now..." He growled.

Ford shouted, "Dipper! Stop!" 

But as Dipper turned to the source of the voice, the group realed back. Whatever was staring at them was not the boy they knew.

'Who do these humans think they are, getting in the way of my revenge?!' He thought.

Bill took advantage of his torturers distraction and teleported out of his grasp. Dipper scowled, upon seeing his victim had escaped. Bill attempted to defuse the situation. 

"Seriously, Pine Tree. You need to calm down. You're starting to creep me out, this isn't like you!"

"It is now..." Came the reply. 

Dipper raised a hand, and Bill could feel some of his demon essence being ripped from him into several tendrils. One by one, Dipper absorbed them and became enveloped in gigantic black flames. 

As the fire vanished, Dipper stood. But he looked as if the colour had been sucked out of him, giving him a monochrome look. His eyes blazed blue with unstable energy. He dissolved into black mist, and disappeared into the ground.

The group had decided to evacuate, sensing the impending battle.

Bill was entering a state of panic, trying to look for the overpowered boy. 

Pine Tree, coated in shadows, re-materialised behind him, and punched him right in the back, sending him flying. A black blur rushed around him, smacking him around.

Pine Tree then let out a rapid flurry of punches, each knocking the Dream Demon back. A blue laser blasted Bill into the floor. Dipper then teleported right next to Bill and drop-kicked him into another wall.

After some more attacks, a heavily-damaged Bill Cipher was struggling to stand. Cracks ran through his body, and despite the un-hilarious pain he was feeling, he said, "Well now, this is interesting. I haven't had a good fight in ages! But, you should know you can't kill a dream demon!" 

Pine Tree chuckled, seemingly accepting Bill's challenge. The dream demon raised his arms, pointing them at the former human. He charged his finger guns up and fired two massive light beams at the human.

However, Pine Tree just stood there and took the rays head on. 

"WHAT?! That's impossible!" Bill exclaimed. "Okay, that's enough. Time for an exit."

Bill blasted a hole into the closest wall, zooming outside. Before Pine Tree could follow, Bill snapped his fingers, and the Fear-imid exploded in a colourful flash of light. 

As the pieces of his former fortress fell onto the ground, Bill chuckled. 

"Well, that's two Pines down." He turned to the citizens of Gravity Falls, who were surrounded by his Henchmaniacs. His eye zeroed in on Ford and Stan. "Two to go."

But before he was able to unleash hell, Bill heard clattering and shifting behind him. He turned around and saw a fist the size of a house collide with him...


#And chapter two is done. I was going to call this Darker, Darker, Yet Darker, but I didn't know if people would get the reference. See you guys soon!

(EDIT: I have renamed the chapter. So you can get the reference better now.)

DarkPugLord23, out!

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