Modern!Haytham x Reader

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(with Edward as your sassy friend and Connor as your bodyguard)

You were having problems with your boyfriend, Haytham. You know that he's working hard, but you never found out what he's actually doing. It didn't disturb you that much, since he started to leave home early and coming back really late. 

Well, you decided to talk about this with his brothers - Edward and Connor. You and Connor has good relations, but not as good as with Edward. That blonde jerk was your friend, in fact, he met you with Haytham.

You two went to the pub to talk about your boyfriend.

''Ya'know Y / N, Haytham is a very complicated person, and we don't have a really good contact..''

You exactly knew when Edward didn't want to tell you something. 

''Stop talking shit Edward, and tell me what's going on.''

He sighed.

''Y / N, I'm your best bitch and you know I would never lie to you,right?''


He started to drink his beer. Really, really fast. That's worrying you a little bit. He does that every time when he don't know how to deliver bad news. 

''I think he's having an affair.''

Oh no.

Hell no.

You started to get very angry and distressed at the same moment. You were ready for everything - even for Haytham as bloody gang leader. But he's cheating on you? No, no. You coulnd't believe it. He's never looked like something was missing in your relationship. 

You didn't started to cry or scream. You just take a deep breath and drink your beer. Edward looked kinda confused.

''I'm going to kill this bastard.'' You said with a weak smile.''How long you know,Kenway?''

''I'm as surprised as you Y / N and...''

''I told you Edward, stop talking shit.''

He sighed again. 

''A month, I think. I wanted to tell you, really. But when I tried to imagine your reaction, I was getting more afraid, every goddamn time. Me and Connor was trying to talk to him, but he wasn't listening. I'm so sorry Y / N, I should've told you before...'' 

''It's fine. I'm not mad at you, Edward. None of this is your fault.''

He was just afraid of loosing his friend, you understand that and couldn't blame him.

''Do you know, what is her name?'' You asked.

He looked at his beer.

''I'm not sure. I think Zoe...Wait, no. Ziio.''

You snorted.

''Oh well, a exotic one? That's nice.'' 

Suddenly Edward gets a text on his phone.



''Haytham is home. Connor is going to talk to him.''

You stand up from your chair.

''He doesn't have. I'll talk to Haytham with pleasure.''

''I don't think that's a good idea.'' Edward said, but you already left the pub.

****time skip****

'' Y / N please, calm down...''Edward tried to talk to you, but you opened the door of his and Connor's house. First thing you saw was Haytham on the couch, arguing with Connor.

''You bastard!'' You yelled at Haytham. He looked very confused. Connor must've held you away from Haytham. That's probably because you were ready to kick his ass.''How dare you cheated on me?! How you think I'm feeling right now? Couldn't you just broke up with me?!'' 

You didn't cry when Edward told you about Haytham's affair, but when you saw him...That's break you.

''Y / N, what are talking about?'' Haytham tried to say something more, but Edward stopped him.

''She's already known about Zoe, you asshole.'' 

Connor rolled his eyes.

''Her's name is Ziio, Edward.''

''It's can be even a Zelena! It's not changing fact that's she's a bitch!''

Haytham looked at Edward with anger.

''She's not a bitch, Edward. Y / N, can we talk like adults?''

You looked at him with hate in your eyes.

''Now? Now you wanna talk, Haytham? It's too late! I don't understand, what's wrong with me?''

''Nothing is wrong with you...''

''So why did you cheat on her, you son of a bitch?'' Edward punch him in the arm, but Haytham  stayed calm.

''We have the same mother, Edward. Connor, could you get him the hell out of here? I want to talk with Y / N alone.''

Connor blinked.


''Y / N, I'm not going to have a conversation with you in this condition.''

''That's your one and last chance to say anything.'' You said with tears in your eyes.

Haytham sighed and started to walk across the room. 

''I met Ziio few months ago. She was amazing and I had a moment of weakness. But I couldn't left her. She was different than others. I wanted to end this, but it wasn't that easy. Then Connor and Edward discovered the truth...And now you. Y / N, I'm sorry. I truly am. I'll promise I'll end this. Just give me a second chance. Please, Y / N.''

Edward started laughing.

''Now you're sorry? Oh, I think it's kinda too late. I can show you a way out of here!''

''It's my house too. And, for God's sake, shut mouth.''

''No, he's right Haytham. What were you thinking?'' said Connor. 

You didn't know what to say. You felt really bad.

They were arguing, but you weren't listen. You didn't want to listen.

You know what's was the most saddest thing ?

You left the Kenway's house and no one noticed that.

**time skip again**

Haytham was in your flat. 

You decided to meet him and talk. 

''Y / N, I'm really sorry. Please...''

''Haytham, no. I'm talking now. You disappointed me in the worst way. I never expect something like that of you. I felt bad. Really, really bad.''

''I know. You didn't deserve this. But still, Y / N, my feelings for you never changed. I still love you.''

You nodded.

''Yeah. I'm so goddamn stupid, because I love you too, Haytham. And I decide to give you a second chance.'' You were having a tear in your eyes. Again. 

Haytham hugged you and kissed your forehead.

''You won't regret. I will reward everything to you, I promise.''

''I hope so, Haytham. I hope so.''

Oh my God, I love this one. I'm sorry for any mistakes! <3 And guess what, I love Edward in this, one shot, haha <3 Another one shot is on the way, and it's Shay x Reader! Which assassin or templar you want next? :D <3 

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