Academy for the UnReals (AFTUR) Prolouge

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Academy for the UnReals

By: HatsuneShana (Kelley)

This is my first attempt at actual writing so tell me whacha honestly think, k? my couz said she liked it, but probably cause we tight!! Any ways be truthful, honesty is the best policy. I can take a bad comment, just not too mean. i also hope you guys can see the bold the italics dont work for some reason, idk. oh and srry for the grammar mistakes

ps- the * are like thought quotes, k?


" Someone, get the doctor, QUICKLY!!!! SHE'S NOT FREAKIN BREATHING!!", shouted a nurse. *Well world, I'm sorry I'm leaving you so soon. I promise I come back, maybe when your older, I promise you this, when you need my gift, I come and give it to you personally. Just promise you guys won't forget me. Or I'll come back in a riot and you'll have to fight me for the gift. I love you.* someone thought telepathically. Two voices connected back to the first. *We won't, we love you too.* As one of the voices left the second one stayed behind and said to the first voice *I'll try not to forget you, I know mom might not wanna talk about you I'm sorry, I will always feel something missing, I'll know it's you. I love you. Farewell sister.* As the voices left the child's thoughts, she died with a smile.

Ten minutes after the child went on ahead, a nurse walked into room 329, holding two beautiful, healthy babies. As the nurse was handing the children to their mother, the bewildered woman looked up and asked, " What has become of my third child, dear nurse? Where is she, I would like to see her. " "Ummm, well..... The truth is, " the nurse began. " As she was being taken by the Elders, they decided to end her time early, I'm sorry, saving her was out of my reach. For some reason, the Elders were extremely forceful this time. I have seen this before but they have never been so persistent. Again, I am extremely sorry. I could not save your daughter." The mother took a few seconds to process exactly what she had just heard. Her face went from sorrow, to understanding, to surprise, to anger and agony at once.

"WHAT!!!", the mother screamed. "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!!! THE ELDERS PROMISED ME AND JOESEPH THAT THEY WOULD NOT TAKE MY DAUGHTER'S LIFE!!!!!! THEY F-ING PROMISED US!!! I BET THOSE FREAKIN BASTARDS ONLY DID THIS TO ALLYSA TO CREATE THE BATTLE OF POWERS!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THEM?!?!?!HOW COULD THEY?!?!?! THOSE COWARDLY TURDS!!!!!!!", As the mother was ending her outburst, she started to sob. As her daughters saw her crying, they started to cry. As the mother realized this, she imeadiatly stopped to calm her children. *Mother, please stop crying.* "What? Who is that?" the mother said surprised. It's me ma, Allysa. The mother's face lit up in happiness. "Allysa, baby?? Is it really you??? Are you okay in Anotopisa???? Has anybody hurt you yet did you make it there okay??" *Yes mommy, I'm in one piece. I just wanted you to know that I will always be watching Amalthea, protecting her, since she is the second of three. Bye mommy, I love you.*

" Wait, no!! Allysa!!" the mother cried out. " Who are you talking to, Irene?", asked her husband. "Oh, Allysa, Joe. The Elders called for her." The mother thought about what her daughter had said. *Well. At least I know that Amalthea will be safe*, thought the mother. then she got angry at the elders again *screw those f**king bastards, when i die, i am SOOOOOO going to get them!!! beat them so hard their souls will never be able to rest peacefuly again*

So, tell me wacha tink?

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~ HatsuneShana (Kelley)

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