"Tomorrow. I'll tell you tomorrow," he finally sighed, dragging one of my hands up his chest to kiss my knuckles. "I promise."

   "Thank you," I murmured with a tiny smile, hugging him from behind before he turned around in my grip.

   "I think it's time for me to give you your present," he said lowly with a mischievous grin, his eyes glinting wildly. "I know you said you didn't want anything and I respect that, but..." he trailed off with a grin as I rolled my eyes, nevertheless grinning when he pulled away and reached for the drawer of his dresser.

  He pulled out an ivory box, before flipping it open and revealing what was inside. It was a Pandora bracelet, already full of numerous beautiful little charms. My lips parted at the sight of it, my heart melting in my chest as I picked it up carefully, studying each charm while I moved backwards and sat back down on the bed.

   "I asked everyone to pick a charm that kind of reminds them of you or their friendship with you, y'know what I mean? So, this one," he said, pointing out at a rose gold heart-shaped charm that stood out beautifully from the rest of the silver ones. "This one is from me," he said with a smile and then continued pointing out which ones were from whom.

  There were around 11 charms, all them holding some sort of significant meaning as Harry explained each one to me. From Harry, there was the rose gold heart, another heart in the form of angel wings, and another heart with the words 'always in my heart' engraved into it. I knew I was gonna be in tears at the end of this. Next was a charm of a cute bunny; it was obvious that was from Louis and Dexter. After that was a pretty charm with a friendship flower on it, from Vicky and Jade.

  Vlad and Max got a charm that was a skull. Go figure. Spencer got me a beautiful blue friendship charm. Harry told me that Spencer said the blue reminded him of the crystal meth him and I made back in our university days. It seemed like that was such a long time ago, but really it was only a year ago. Sami got me a charm that was a globe, instantly I thought of the conversation we had where he told me he would take me to Egypt one day and then we went on rambling about travelling the world someday. That was the time we really bonded and formed a strong friendship between us.

   "Mark, Sullivan and Liam got this one for you," Harry murmured, touching the charm that was of the caduceus symbol, which was I think was usually mistaken as the symbol of medicine. "Y'know since they all practically saved your life that one time with the Adamantium." I simply nodded, too overwhelmed and rendered speechless by this beautiful meaningful gift.

   "This one's from Damien," Harry mumbled, pointing at a charm that had leaves on it, some gold some silver.

   "I think this one's called the Gold Tree of Life, something like that," I muttered, frowning to myself as I tried to figure out the meaning of this one.

   "I asked him why this charm, and he said something like you breathed life into me," he chuckled lightly, his words squeezing my heart. "He went on about how you brought us all together as a family, rather than just a bunch of assassins working together."

   "Harry," I frowned. "I didn't do that-"

   "Not directly, no, but when you were gone we all stuck together and helped each other move on from the grief we were experiencing. Ever since you came, Valkyrie became some sort of family, along with Dexter and Louis and everyone else. We're all closer now, and it's because of you, somehow," Harry ranted a little, as I averted my gaze to the bracelet, pursing my lips. What he said couldn't really be true, could it?

   "What about this one?" I asked once my gaze spotted a cute blue charm with silver stars on it. Harry smiled softly, biting his lip before he gazed at me.

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