Chp. 1

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"You know I hate it when you're right," I shoved my best friend Ayla away playfully. We had just talked about the fight that Jake and I had had, and as much as I hated to admit it, we have these stupid kind of fights a lot.

Ayla laughed "yeah I know, that's why I love being right because seeing your face makes it even more funnier,"

"Thanks for that, I'm feeling so loved," I huffed, Ayla laughed even more after I said that. "So ready for school to start back up?"

I rolled my eyes at that question, "am I ever ready?"

She laughed shaking her head "I guess you're right. They did give us a shit ton of work to do over the holidays,"

Ayla and I hung out for a few more hours before she had to head home. I hugged her goodbye then watched as she turned to walk away, then turned around "See you at school on Monday" she smiled then hopped in the car before I had chance to reply.

I looked at my phone later on realising I had missed a call from Monique, I quickly called her back, "hey," she answered

"Hey sorry I missed your call I was with Ayla," I apologised, "All good I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to the movies with me tomorrow morning? I really want to see Cinderella and there seems to be nobody else who wants to come with me," I only had to think about it for a split second before I responded. "Sure I'd love too,"

The next day came quickly, I got dressed and informed Mum that I was going to see Monique before heading out the door.
I got to the shopping centre around 12:30, it wasn't overly packed, but enough to feel a bit claustrophobic, I guess being the last few days of the holidays everyone would be getting their school supplies. I walked to the cinemas really excited, I hadn't seen Monique since the start of this year at my New Years Eve party.
My eyes scanned the place until I found her, I ran over to her embracing her in a hug, "hey, I missed you too," she laughed hugging me back.

"How were your holidays?" I asked as we joined the line to get tickets, I looked at her and just caught her rolling her eyes as she responded, "like hell Mark is a complete dick now that Tom and I have broken up, I hate it. I mean it wasn't even my fault that we broke up,"
I hugged her again noticing she looked upset,

"Ugh, don't worry about him, we'll have fun today and you'll forget all about him,"


I hit the alarm as it went off, I sat up running my hand through my hair, rolling my eyes as I realised it was Monday meaning I would have to go to school. Luckily it was my last year of school but that didn't really ease my mind, seeing as I knew just how much work we had to do. I got out of bed, and dressed before racing downstairs to get breakfast.

As I stepped on the bus I felt my phone vibrate, I looked down realising it was only a text from Ayla, 'hey ready for hell?" I laughed at the text and replied 'sure am' I put my phone away, and looked out of the window till it was time to get off.

I really hope Jake and I will be fine this year, I can't lose him, we've been together for nearly 6 years now. Something over the summer between us had changed though. He didn't text or call as much, and when he did he was blunt.
I thought about all the good memories we'd had over the 5 and half years, knowing we were growing apart.
I met him on our first day of year 7, he had shaggy brown hair, and the prettiest green eyes I'd ever seen. I knew I wanted to be friends with him straight away.
We remained friends, my feelings for him getting stronger, until it came to my birthday. I had a party and had invited him but he told me he couldn't come, I was so upset, I tried to have a good time but I couldn't knowing my best friend wasn't there. Later on that night I had felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around and he was standing there with a small box in his hand, the biggest grin was on my face as I had pulled him into a hug.
"Happy birthday Serena," he hugged me back, then handed me the box. I opened it knowing and gasped looking down at the most beautiful ring ever.
"It's beautiful Jake thank you so much," He helped me put it on before turning and stopping the music. He turned back round and faced me, then started talking.
"I may not be perfect, and i know we fight, and I'm your best friend. But I would love to be more than that. I have loved you since the day I met you, even when you were the annoying girl who kept on bugging me until we became friends. It was the best thing I've ever done and now Serena Jade I'm asking you to be my girlfriend," I couldn't stop smiling while he was explaining this, I was speechless all I could do was nod. He hugged me again, then pulled away slightly cupping my face in his hand, before closing the gap and kissing me. That was my first kiss and definitely the best one.
I smiled at this thought realising that tears were running down my face.
I thought back to the fight that we had had, it was so pointless yet he had made a big deal over the fact that I was talking to this guy called Dean, who had been my friend since like forever. There was absolutely nothing going on between us, why couldn't Jake understand that? So much had changed, and I had no idea what to do so I just rolled my eyes and stuck my headphones in, and blared Ellie Goulding to calm myself.

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