Chapter Twenty Eight

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I was just closing the last moving box filled with my stuff. I heard Bridget entering the room and looking around.

B: Wow. You really cleared this place.

C: There's still some clothes in the closet. I'll get then when I can.

B: Are you gonna be okay?

C: Yeah, sure. You know me. I always bounce back.

B: But Chloe, this time it's different.

This time was different. Millions of fans were after me. Sending me hate through twitter and every other social platform. Forcing me to give up the store and move out of my apartment. This time, media blamed me not only for using my celebrity connections to my advantage but ultimately destroying a perfectly good relationship.

C: I'm gonna be fine.

Christmas was around the corner and I was excited for my annual trip to New York. It's family tradition that we spend Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's in New York. My dad already volunteered to pick me up from the airport. Normally I would've taken a cab but I figured it might not be the best idea.

B: Is anyone picking you up from the airport?

C: My dad. Zayn's going to send someone over tomorrow to pick up the boxes.

B: I'll be there. And you take care of yourself.

C: I'll see you around.

We hugged each other and I left in a SUV with tinted glasses.

I shook my head as I drove past the business district of London. Past the nice neighborhoods and fancy stores. It really takes a lot to make me back off. I was going to resist the hate and go on with my work but it just wasn't possible. The store was being mobbed on a regular basis with teenage girls storming in and insulting me. And if I didn't happen to be there they would take it out on Bridget. Poor girl, she had nothing to do with it.

A few days ago I decided I needed to do something about it. Bridget kept reassuring me that the hype would die down eventually but I knew better.


C: I have to leave. For the sake of this store.

B: This is crazy. You're gonna let them win?

C: What? Bri, you don't understand. We're already losing costumers because of the bad press. And it's only going to get worse.

B: It's nothing but lies printed by dicks who have nothing else to do with their pathetic lives. You're going to abandon your business because of them?

I shook my head energetically.

C: It's not my business anymore. It's yours.


C: I want you to manage this business alone. It would be a shame if we had to close it down. And that's what's going to happen if I continue being a co-owner. If I continue being around.

B: There must be another solution.

C: I've looked into everything. This is our best shot.

B: And what are you going to do? Oh no! Please don't tell me you want to leave the country?

C: For now. So things can go back to normal.

B: I can't believe this.

C: Listen, you're gonna be fine. You got Sam, he's gonna help you. And with me out of the picture I'm sure sales will go up again very soon.

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