Game On

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He parked his E class and hopped out we entered the building and went to the inside court he went to the locker room to get changed and I moved to the seats "heeey bitch" I said seeing my sister there.
"What you doing here?" I asked

"I came to watch my man play" she said


"You best believe,one night we even did that "

"Damn Sis you going harddd"

"Yeah we just connected on a whole nother level so what u doing here I should ask"

"Lebrun wanted to get me out the house so you know I'm here my legs still hurting from awhile ago tho" I said with a smirk.

"Sayyyy whaaaattt noooo you didn't " I nodded "shut up you lying !!" She said and I started laughing then I told her every detail.

"I'm so happy for you sissy you finally deserve to be happy"

"Yea barely"

"What you mean?" I told her about the beach to kerry at my house to the note and pictures she was in complete shock even when I had finished the story.

"Oh hell nah we Gon get to the bottom of this lets enjoy the game for now" I smiled. We watched, laughed and cheered it was a good practice session I was really enjoying it that I forgot about everything until I saw a man in the far corner of the court in the dark looking directly at me I got up started walking across the field tempted to find out who it was as I approached the figure he was wearing a black hat a dark blue jeans black shoe and a red T-shirt walking closer he had grey beard and dark brown eyes. I was just about to make out his face when the ball hit me in the head knocking me out.


"Jen! Jen! can you hear me? Open your eyes baby" I think it was Lebrun but he sounded distant and I was too weak to open my eyes.

"What was she doing on the court ?"

"I don't know I was calling her back but she wouldn't stop" I think that was my sister

"Jen come on sassy" he sounded nearer now

"Le- Lebrun?" I slightly opened my eyes

"Yeah baby it's me can you stand up?"

"Uh-huh help me up" he helped me up but I felt a striking pain I had to hold my head.

"Hurry and get her to sit down slow and steady" we slowly got to the seats sitting down they gave me an ice patch to hold against the spot.

"What were you doing on the court Jenna Brooks" Lebrun said. it was the first he called my full name and it scared me a little

"I saw a man staring at me over there and I don't know what but I wanted to know who it was look he's standing right over there" I pointed but there was no one there.

"I think it's time for you to go home and take your meds" Lebrun said I looked at him in disbelief I couldn't believe he said that Infront of all his teammates I looked at Kristan and she gave me a look of pity I couldn't believe they thought I was actually making this up

"You believe me right Kristan?"

"I was sitting right here Jenna I didn't see nothing" tears were building up and I flung the ice patch walking out as fast as I could. I was walking home it wasn't too far from where I lived so I decided to walk there was no way in hell I was gonna drive home with a nigga that just basically called me crazy and talking out my business about my pills. I was so upset I started crying my own sister thought so the only thing she really feels for me is pity, my phone was ringing non stop when Lebrun pulled up at my feet. "Get in the car!!"

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