Chapter 3

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The touch of his smooth lips on her hand sent sparks shooting through Vida’s body. He raised his head and stared into her midnight blue eyes.

“You were staring at me earlier,” She blurted out. Vida flushed and mentally face-palmed herself, Smooth, just say the first thing that comes to mind.

He laughed – a sound smoother than hot, melted chocolate dripping off a spoon, “Yes I was, but can you blame me?” He asked.

“And I could’ve sworn,” Asher raised an amused eyebrow, “That you were staring back at me.”

He still hadn’t let go of her hand.  Her jaw dropped slightly.

“I like to look at beautiful things,” He said as he drew his hand back, his eyes never leaving hers.

She regained her composure, “Sorry,” She brushed a stray lock of her behind her ear, “It seems that I’ve momentarily lost my manners. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Vida -”

“Montero, I know.” He finished her sentence.

Inside her head Vida scrambled furiously for something to say. Here she was, standing in front of possibly the most attractive man she had ever seen and she was behaving like a tongue-tied teenage girl.

Asher stood close to Vida. His 6 foot frame made him tower over her by six inches with her natural 5'2 frame enhanced by 4 inch heels. She looked up at him, mentally admiring his handsome features: the green flecks in his hazel eyes, his long, dark eyelashes – the envy of every woman, his high, royal cheekbones, his jawline and the strong, straight nose hovering above his smooth lips. His dark brown hair was lightly gelled and loosely brushed back in a casual comb over, making him look even more like a runway model.

“I’ve actually never seen you before,” She paused, “But I hear your name everywhere and we have the same friends. I even know your brother. Yet we only meet now.”

 “Maybe the reason we’ve never met before is because you’re as mysterious and elusive as your name.”

Vida was about to reply until her brother walked up to them.

“Asher,” Mateo greeted him, “I’m sorry to interrupt. I just came here to take my sister to our table - the bridal party’s about to enter.” Mateo cupped her elbow. Vida looked around and saw other guests taking their seats.

Asher smiled at Mateo, “No need to apologise.” He stared at Vida, “I’ll see you later, Vida.”

Shivers ran down her spine when he said her name. Her brother led her towards their table before she could say anything.

“Getting cosy with Dalton over there weren’t you?”

Vida rolled her eyes, “He’s very,” She searched for a word to describe him, “Friendly.”

Mateo tensed. “A bit too friendly,” he mumbled.

“Aw, a bit overprotective aren’t we brother?” She pinched his cheek playfully. Nobody was seated at their table yet.

He frowned and pulled her chair out for her, “Just be careful around him. He’s trouble, and if you’re going to date a Dalton I’d prefer it if you dated Isaac.”

“Trouble, what do you mean by trouble?” She sat down.

He rested a hand on the back of the chair. She looked at him; his green eyes were serious.

“Asher is a ladies man Vida, a womaniser. He’s a trustworthy businessman but I don’t trust him around my sister.”

“I’m not some vulnerable teenage girl anymore Mateo. You don’t have to worry about me getting my heart broken.”

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