Chap. 2

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"Hi there, want to talk with me?" Linda question with a little smile in her face.

Do what the doctor tell you Thomas.

"Y'know... Josh dyed his hair..." Thomas say uncomfortable.

"Great... What color?" Linda stares her son sadly.

"Moss-green-blue, it was red for a while before..." Now, Thomas feels happy for remember John and open a little smile, however, even though it was small, it was truthful.

"That's really nice, Tom." his mom looks rather uncomfartable. Both were uncomfortable.

"He has these really dark brown eyes," Tyler said, attempting to ignore the discomfort of the situation. "Coffee eyes... Like... With coffee and hot chocolate, what's called again?"


"Yes, mocha... Mocha eyes--" Thomas sighs. "And he have rosy lips that make them look like a piano C major scale."

"Son... who..." She bite her lips "Who is John to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is he your friend or..." she ask recomposing and staring him "... your boyfriend?"

Thomas shocks "What the...?! No! Of course not! Jesus..."

"Well, it's okay if you want a boyfriend" she replies "Just so you know"

"Cool..." Thomas says, still  wide-eyed "Why do you think that?"

"Y'know, always that you talk about him you stay with this silly look." Linda tells him.

"So, that turns me automatically gay?" 

"Huh..." she shrugs "you've never seemed so straight, Thomas"

Thomas sighs "thanks, mom"

"It wasn't an insult, Tom!" her mom start to protest, but pauses when see he laughing.

"No, you're right, I'm homo" Thomas assures her once he's done giggling. " I just never expect you to notice that."

"I occasionally notice something about you, baby" she open a smile, nothing like John smile.

He is sober and arch eyebrows. Linda sighs and, carefully, take his hands.

"I'm sorry, Tom," she tells him. "I know that an apology won't fix anything, that it won't change anything, but I am still so sorry."

"W-why..." Thomas swallows hard "Why don't you believe me?"

 "I-" His mom sighs. "Dr. Landom seemed very professional, Thomas. He was supposed to be top of the line. And he was very smooth, very reassuring that there was absolutely no misconduct." She sighs again, squeezing Tom's hand gently. "I regret not listening to you more than anything, babe."

"Isn't everything," Thomas grumbles. "Isn't everything."


"Why do you keep this?" Thomas frowns "You don't even smoke..."

"You never know when you'll have to set everything on fire" John shrugs, playing with the lighter.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas still frowning.

"One day, you'll see." And put it back in the pocket.

"Still don't understanding... You're  too orange-green-purple sometimes." and then, finally Thomas give up trying to understand his friend.

"Anyway, how do you feel?" John asks.

"Wow, dude, who are you? Doctor Patrick?" 

John rolls his eyes "c'mon, show me in 'normal' words." he says passing him his pocket knife.

Tom stares the knife, heavy and soft on his hands, as a dandelion petals of gliding over the air threatening to fall.

"Let's go, show me" he fosters Thomas.




"I don't know... Just always am." And then handover the knife.

 "Why?" John  repeats. "Of what?"

Tom shrugs again. "Of what's next, I guess," he says.

John frowns. "That's nothing to be scared of" he says.

"Why am I scared, then?"

 John smiles in that small, gentle way of his. "Orange-green-purple," he says.

Thomas sighs, tracing his thumb over the carving in the wooden board.

"I'm not," he murmurs. "Not really."

"You are too," John says. "Like stretched orange cotton. Not knowing what's around the corner is one of the best things ever."

"Terrifying," Thomas says, shaking his head.

"Maybe a little," John allows. "But maybe what's around the corner is the best thing you could possibly imagine."

"What if it's not, though?"

"What if it is?"

"What if it isn't?"

John leans forward, taking Thomas fingers away from the carving in the wood.

"But what if it is?" he whispers. 


"How are the things going with your mother?" Dr. Patrick asks.


"Same?" Patrick repeats.

"Maybe... Yeah, better, but she didn't look too happy" he shrugs.

"You talked with her about John?" the doctor nods slowly.

"Yes, but like I said, she didn't look too happy." he repeats.

"As expected, Thomas," Patrick still looking down at his notes "it can't be confortable talk hear her his seventeen-year-old son about his imaginary friend."

"Who you all think is imaginary." Thomas correct.

Doctor Patrick finally looks up from his notes.

"Thomas," he says softly "John is-"

"Okay, whatever" Thomas says quickly.

Patrick sighs, running his hands trough his hair.

"Thomas, John is not real" He says softly. "I'm sorry, it's just that he doesn't exist."

"Yes, whatever you say"

Dr. Patrick rubs his face with his hands. "Thomas..."

"Look," Thomas says suddendly, ready to fight. "Whatever you say you'll not convince me that he's not real, and I know you think I'm crazy because of that, but I don't care and you will not convince otherwise. John is real, okay?"

Patrick chuckles dryly. "All right, I'm seeing that we're not."



I know, this chapter is smaller then the other, but sorry I don't have too much time.

Well, thanks for reading, please vote and comment! XOXO

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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