Playing With Fire

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“I’ll see you around.” He breathed close to my ear and brushed past me, walking out the door.

That was the first time we talked. I couldn’t shake his feel off. He never touched me but I felt him inside me. When I got home, even Hudson sensed something strange. He sat on the bookshelf and peered down at me with alert, his yellow eyes fiercely observing me.

“So, I take it you found the cause of your… disabilities this past week?” He purred, sitting up and jumping down. He stood by my feet and sniffed me, backing up almost immediately, his tail quickly swinging from side to side.

“That’s power.”

“I know.”

“You reek of it.”

“I know.”

He followed me into my bedroom, jumping onto the bed. He watched me as I moved the cheap shaggy rug into a corner and strip naked, sitting on the sigil painted on the floor, still fresh and glinting. It took a few minutes but eventually I almost felt all his power leave my skin. The itch went away, soaked up into the floorboards and trapped in the blood paint.

I put my clothes back on and moved the rug back. Hudson walked out the room, his black tail high in the air.

“I need to know more about this guy. The amount of raw power he has is… impossible.” I called, walking into the kitchen and grabbing an apple.

“The question you need to ask is why he’s here.” Hudson replied, sitting next to me. I stroked his head and ran my fingers down his spine. He closed his eyes with content.

So, I decided that night to go to a party I had overheard Fredrick being invited to. I wasn’t. I didn’t want to be, but like the itch he is, his scratched open this curiosity in me. The house was pounding that night. I could feel everyone’s energy there, but his stood out like the sun at night. Hudson trailed behind me in the dark, tail twitching in agitation.

I walked into the house, my eyes scanning the misty open room with bodies everywhere. Some people stopped to look at me, judging me. I saw Hudson slink along the walls and jump onto a tall cupboard, hiding there. The music reverberated through my bones, mixing with the electricity in my veins.

I saw him within minutes. He stood underneath a doorway, laughing with a girl. His hand was on the door frame as he leaned there, face close up to hers. As he moved closer I felt my skin get hotter. My fingertips burned and I clenched them. What was wrong with me? He leaned close to whisper in her ear, his eyes glancing up and catching mine. He smiled and she nodded. They walked out of the room, through glass double doors to outside.

I was about to follow them but a very large, very drunk teenage imbecile blocked my way, looking at me like I was an alien.

“Who let you in?” He slurred, frowning and taking a sip of whatever.

I looked at him, touched his arm and his eyes glazed over. He smiled and stepped out of the way. There was laughter in the back yard. A pool glittered under the moonlight. People were smoking pot out here. I found Fredrick and the girl sitting on a low bench; she was on his neck like a vampire.

I wasn’t a sociable person. I’ve lived way too long to try and make friends, and I’ve taken too much caution to let anyone close. Pretending as though I hadn’t seen them, I walked past, placing a smile that I hoped wasn’t too big on my lips; like I found friends.

That’s when he touched me for the first time. As I walked by, Fredrick stuck his arm and grabbed my shin. There was a second of surprise then the pain burned into me. His skin was fire hot and I felt my flesh bubble where he touched me. I gritted my teeth and looked down, letting out a low moan. His hand was smoking underneath, but his fingertips had gone blue; frost was climbing up his hand.

He let go seconds later, gripping his own hand, staring at the part of my leg he grabbed. There was nothing there, the pain had disappeared. The girl he was with had a dazed look on her face, smiled slightly and leaned against his shoulder.

“What was that?” I asked, a frown on my face. His eyes were wide.

“I don’t know. Shit.” He mumbled. Warily, he stuck is finger out to touch my leg again but I stepped back.

“Don’t you dare.” This was crazy. The amount of power he had had burnt through mine with a single touch.

Eira, my name was called through my mind and Hudson stood next to me in his human form. His clothes hung off his body; he hasn’t been eating lately. He was as stressed as I was. Fredrick looked at him, gazing up and down with sharp eyes.

“I think we should leave.” Hudson said, gently holding my bicep to pull me away. Fredrick pushed the stoned girl off him and stood up, stopping Hudson in his tracks. His nails grew and the quickly went back to normal length. Even he was affected by Fredrick.

“Please stay, I think we should all talk. Things just got interesting.” The crooked smile was back.


Hey there, Claw here. Okay, I never actually do this but if you read to the end, it must've been somewhat entertaining, if not, I can totally agree with you because I wrote this in two hours with just a small nudge after listening to some music. Now, I'm not sure if I want to continue this story. Wattpad has ceased to be a place I can post my stories; now, it's my experimental place. I'll post stories, see the feedback I get on it and decide whether or not I like it. Currently, I don't even have a plot for this but I really like the idea in my head and all the conversations I want Fredrick and Eira to have. I'm feeling such a 60's vibes for this story you have no idea.

So please, post a comment below telling me yay or nay, or, if you don't want to comment just send me a message saying what you think. Please. I don't ask for this a lot but my thoughts on this story is conflicting in my brain and I need an outside opinion.

Those people that can find it to tell me their thoughts, you are the one's that started me off on becoming a writer, so thank you in advance.

Love you all, stay safe,


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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