Umi's Knight (Part 2) (Eli's POV)

Start from the beginning



"W-What?! E-Ehhh?!?!" I shouted as I took a step back in surprise.

Nozomi just smiled while giggling.

"You are kidding!! That would be very awkward!!"

"Aw come on,it is the only way to protect her. And will be vey insteresting because.." Nozomi halted as she went to the laptop and began typing something.

"Because what?" I raised an eyebrow as I walked towards her.

What is she typing? And wait,I just remembered something yesterday. Alot of girls in this campus were surrounding me like I'm some kind of a celebrity. Well,this has happened too when I first stepped into this univetsity but it has gotten worse..

"You see Elicchi,I have something I want you to read." Nozomi then turned the laptop over and I looked at the screen.

After a while of reading.

I blinked in surprise,"W-Wait..the other character here looks like me."

Nozomi nodded,Now you know why alot of girls were surrounding you nowadays?"

I had my mouth opened in shock,god! No wonder they look at me like they just saw a ghost! And that incident from before..when I first met her by catching her from falling after she was being pushed off by those two boys.. I know..but who wrote this?

"This story has become very popular around this campus despite its genre being an LGBT one. The author was named Umeletika. Other schools must have heard about this story too,as well as the younger students."

I blinked,"So...they thought that I'm Elicia Suvanov?"

Nozomi smiled as a yes.

I sighed.

"I'm half russian and I'm an Ayase."

"What a perfect coincidence because Elicia Suvanov is also half russian." Nozomi replied.

My eyes widened,ehhh??! A coincidence or a planned one? Hmm..

"Really? A coincidence?" I raised an eyebrow and Nozomi nodded.

"If it is a planned character then the author should have included her likes and dislikes but naah,the author didn't so that means she doesn't know you."


"I could tell." Nozomi winked,"Now go and ask her!"

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