Three- Brother And Sister

Start from the beginning

He hands her two plates with a stack of pancakes on them. "Can you take these to the table? I have to get the syrup."

Hermione nods and carries the plates to the small dining room table and sets them down across from each other. She starts to work on her pancakes as Ron comes in and sits down. "What's your plan for today, Ron?"

Ron shrugs, shoveling pancakes into his mouth. He swallows, and then responds. "I'm meeting with Harry to make sure that our wedding stuff is all set."

Hermione stares. "Wedding stuff?"

"Yeah." Ron says. "We're doing our double wedding with Harry and Ginny when you two come back from your mission, remember?"

She nods. "Oh- that's right. I'm supposed to go with Ginny to get our dresses. I forgot about that."

"Have you already picked them out?"

Hermione nods. "Yeah, we're just going to pick them up. We'll get the cake and stuff too."

Ron glances over at their calendar that was hanging on the wall beside the dinging room table. "You and Harry are going to meet with the centaurs on Monday, right?" She nods. "Okay. How long should it take you?"

She eats the last piece of pancakes and picks up her plate as well as Ron's. "Shouldn't take longer than a day. We have to be back in time to get married on Tuesday."

Ron grins. "You have no idea how excited I am."

Hermione laughs. "Actually, I think I do." She rinses off the plates and sets them down in the sink. "Can you wash those for me? I have to go get dressed."


"Meeting Ginny. Duh."

* * *

Harry and Ron both shivered, exhaling into the cold, bitter air.

They had bid goodbye to the girls long ago. Hermione had showered this morning, due to her laziness of not showering the night before, and then had tied her hair in a long plait. Unfortunately for her, as soon as she stepped outside, her hair was-

"Frozen." Ron comments, touching Hermione's hard, crunchy hair. "Now I see why you shower at night."

They parted ways once Ginny came outside- the girls to get the dresses and the cake, and the boys to get... everything else.

"So, what do you reckon we should get first?" Harry asks Ron. They had already entered Diagon Alley, and they were walking through the cold and flooded streets that made up Diagon Alley.

The pair were going to get married to their girlfriends on October twenty-ninth, and so, being a few days before the wedding, the streets were packed with people shopping for Halloween decorations and candy.

"Well, Hermione was generous enough to make us a list." Ron says, pulling out a long, rolled up strip of parchment, which was filled with Hermione's neat script. At the tip she had written List For Harry and Ron. Harry stared at his name on the paper- she wrote it really lovely. It was neat and small, and he could practically see her hand passing over the paper, drawing the double 'r' and the 'y'...

"So I thing we should get the flowers first." Ron says, interrupting him from his thoughts. Harry could practically feel his train of thoughts crashing into the side of his head. "What do you think- Wilfred's or Lacy's?"

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