Chapter 10

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A/N: OH MY GOODNESS I am so sorry. I haven't updated in like WHAT, a month? Everything has just been really hectic lately...i probably won't be updating very regularly, but I haven't forgotten about this and I'll do my best. Oh, and 1.7 K views??!! Y'all are amazing. I love you guys so much. Thanks so much for supporting my story. Alright, without further ado...

Herc's POV:

The next couple of weeks passed too slowly. As seniors, we got drunk off of any kind of freedom--even the weekend was a reminder of the complete release due to us in June. A week off in November was as good as three months.

John bounded up to me during passing period, a week or so before our extended Thanksgiving break. His cheeks were flushed and he was smiling. "I think I'm going to do it. Break it off with Martha, I mean...and start something with Alex. Maybe."

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. "What about Eliza?"

He shook his head, grinning. "She'll be gone in six months. She can have her pick of guys...the only one I need is Alex. I love Eliza to death, but right now I don't really give a damn about her."

And he didn't. At lunch, while Eliza and Alex stood off to the side, planning some date, barely an inch between them, John strode up and interrupted, pulling Alex away, saying they needed to discuss their chemistry project.

"Well, there certainly is chemistry," Laf muttered to me, "not sure it's entirely academic..." I snorted into my spaghetti while Eliza flounced back to her table, looking ticked off.

A few minutes later, John and Alex came back to the table. John was beaming. "So me and Alex thought there should be a party."

Laf groaned. "Why?"

"Oh hush, ya French fry. You like them just as much as the rest of us."

Alex cut in. "This celebrate the start of break. Before we have to, you know, be with our families and behave like outstanding citizens."

"And do the shitload of homework Mr. Adams will assign," I pointed out, and they all groaned in response.

"No, but guys," John continued, "tell everybody. Laf, you can handle the girls, they love you." Laf snickered and mumbled something in French under his breath. "Alex will tell the guys. Herc, you and I will just tell everyone again to make them remember. Alright?"

"Whose place?" I asked.

"Mine," said John, "I've got the most space. Herc, can you handle the drinks?"

I nodded. "If y'all chip in fifteen bucks, I got it."

Parties were one thing that I probably shouldn't enjoy as much as I did. Not the getting drunk part, necessarily-- although sometimes being thoroughly uninhibited felt like a blessing. And not the idea of hookups-- unless it was with Angelica, I wasn't into that. It's not like I really have a chance with anyone. I liked the feeling of being in a secure little capsule for several hours, in a place where everyone shared the common goal of having fun, and we all felt equally untouchable, no matter how disillusioned we were. It mind sound like some kind of cheesy valedictorian shit, but I always looked forward to the feeling of defiant mutual joy.

As we headed inside after lunch, the other guys went ahead, and I hung back to try to talk to Angelica. She was absorbed in a conversation with Theo and Peggy. I made my way toward them, but was sidetracked as Martha grabbed my arm and pulled me off to the side.

"Where's John?"

I glanced towards the school entrance. "Um...I think he's already inside. Is everything okay?"

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