THREE: The Talk in the Tower

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Torches lined the stone walls of the castle, pillars of polished marble stood like sentries in front of the throne. A gold and red carpet lined the room, and tapestries hung on the opposite walls. The room was full of people. Pews were lined in front of the throne, and men, women, elderly, and young were gathered together in the massive Throne Room of the Rowyn Castle. Looking over the city of Krawlin, the palace was located on a rising hill, surrounded by a deep moat. A bridge was the only way into the castle, apart from a ferry stationed across from the main door.

The keep was in the center, surrounded by a bailey, and the walls overlooked a central area- the marketplace. A few corridors underneath the walls had rooms, and the keep itself was made up of fifteen bedrooms, ten bathrooms, the Throne Room, the Entry Hall, the Dining Hall, the Royal Family Chambers, and the Royal Stables.

The castle was mainly for the stay of the Royals and their servants, lords, and personal knights. Only the marketplace was permitted for those of Krawlin.

The castle, only five hours before, had been completely deserted. The walls crumbling, the bedrooms covered in dust. But the Rowyn people had worked hard to re-establish their castle once hearing of Irys, fortifying the walls and foundations and refurnishing the rooms.

A few soldiers had declined their loyalty, believing the castle was haunted by the ghosts of the unhappy Royals that the people had rejected when they chose to become a republic. This was only a story. The castle was like any other castle- brimming with life, joy, and gratitude.

Sam sat in the front pew, watching silently with John next to him. They had left Kian with Thom, saying their goodbyes. Even though Kian had wanted to accompany them, he still had duties to attend to back in Chaffle, and Sam understood that Kian wanted to repay Thom someday, with only work ahead of him for now.

Argon and Aryel walked up the main aisle, Irys between them. She looked happy, a beautiful ocean blue gown with white lace, and her hair was made into an intricate braid design.

Sam's parents stood behind her, acting as her guardians, and the Royal Episcopus, a man by the name of Lawrence Grant, placed her right hand on a velvet pillow that held the Rowyn Crown Jewels- the Crown, Sceptre, and Orb.

Irys repeated the oath, and then the Episcopus placed the crown on her head, which Sam could tell was a bit too large, the orb in her left hand and the scepter in her right.

Irys turned slowly, and the Episcopus raised his hands and bellowed,

"Behold, Irys Hyde, Queen of Origin!"

As everyone stood to cheer with a roar that swept the entire castle, Sam couldn't help but notice that the Episcopus had used her mother's surname.

Irys smiled, a mixture of nervousness and excitement, and met Sam's gaze. He smiled back, but his was a mashup of worry, frustration, and anxiety. Irys should recognize that being a queen was not a pastime, it was a lifelong job. She would want to quit after the first week.

John clapped a hand on Sam's shoulder.

"We need to go. Ambrose is waiting for us by the north tower entrance."

Sam followed him out of the Throne Room, just as Irys sat on her new throne, shaking hands with the nobility and commonwealth alike, who congratulated her and repeated the same message with different wording: We are ready to receive our payment.

Sam shook his head and ducked into the tunnel.

They followed Ambrose up the flights of stairs, up to the very top of the tower. He had refused to say anything about the mission until they reached the spellbound room at the top, just in case anyone was following them. The intruder would be blocked by spells at the door, and would not be able to hear anything they said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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