Its Not Just A Bad Dream

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"-Don't know what's going to happen. I don't even know if we're going to make it out alive. I mean he's already lied to our naive parents. They've been acting strange all week"

He stopped hesitantly, his voice gradually breaking, crumbling into inaudible squeaks. His warm breath rattled onto my bare neck, though it wasn't relieving to know that I was still in the boys bathroom with Ryker.

"I've already lost Nym. Her big mouth has always gotten her in to trouble"

A soft and genuine laugh escaped his lips as he focused on what I presumed were memories.

"We hardly know each other, you and I, but you were Nyms friend. You always seemed chill, and nice. Sometimes I'd see you in the halls alone, reading a book and smiling at passing people who wouldn't even look at you"

I forced back a smile, giving it time for his words to ponder in my mind. It was true that I smiled a lot, not because I was happy. I wasn't. I hated school just as much as the next guy. It was because a smile is always a good gesture you know? Spread positivity. But I'm pretty sure Nym out of all people would not describe me as nice or chill, probably obnoxious and hyperactive, however I'd say the same for her.

"Honestly, none of this even feels real to me. Like some stupid dream or something"

I silently agreed. Maybe if I stayed asleep for a little longer I'd wake up in my plush bed, with Maxie jumping on top of my stomach and mum yelling from the stairs for me to get up. Maybe there'd be messages filling my phone from Remi and Cyra, letting me know about how unfair life is and how badly they needed a girls night. Maybe it'll all be okay again.

It wasn't.

"-She loved that game. You have a younger brother right? Matt? Max? Something like that. I've seen tons of pictures of you both on your Facebook, not that I stalk you"

He paused again, letting a loud ruffling sound bounce around the echoey bathroom. I kept telling myself not to open my eyes or else I'd have to go back to reality, but my curiosity and bubbling urge to go save my best friends took over.

Ryker was hurriedly rummaging through a grey Nike duffle bag placed behind him. My head and back were laid in his folded lap, quite comfortably too. I really didn't want to move, but time was ticking and Remi was in trouble. I groaned to let him know I was awake.

"Blythe? Oh thank god. I was getting really worried"

He let out a heavy sigh before turning back to the bag. I stretched my stiff arms out, almost punching him in the face, he didn't respond. I wiggled carefully off of his lap, looking eagerly at what he was searching for.

"What's that?"

I asked as I crawled beside him. My hands slid over something a purplely-grey colour, and unusually sticky, on the edge of the stall floor, I generously gagged as I threw myself on to the damp sink counter. I scrubbed my hands anxiously, not bothering to inspect what was on the floor.

"I don't know. It was inside of one of the toilet tanks"

My eyebrows knotted in with each other, disgusted. Ryker didn't seem to notice this, instead he shrugged it off and kept pushing objects around.

"It could be dangerous"

I sang. I tipped my head to the side to get a better view of what he was moving. There were mainly thick black bottles labelled with yellow and pink sticky notes; a few re-sealable packets containing white powder, which I presumed were a sort of drug; and three rusted, obviously used knives.

"Maybe we should get back to the hall. They'll come looking for us if we're gone too long-"

"Too late"

I twisted my head around to face the wide open door.

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