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That morning, Maggie took him out to shoot. Glenn insisted she do so, too, because he was getting tired of being cooped up in bed all day doing nothing. After a long debate, Maggie technically won, but in the end she gave in because she knew he could use some time out.

He was genuinely excited about this.
Not only the idea of shooting a real gun, but being taught by his hot wife he didn't remember. How did I get so lucky? Glenn thought to himself.
His black shirt rippled in the wind as he walked side by side with Maggie down to the field behind the main building of The Hilltop.

"So, is it like a machine gun, or-"

"Calm down, Glenn, it's a pistol. I just want to see how your aim is, and if you seem to have in controlled enough then I'll let you take something bigger, okay?" she asked, loading his weapon.

There was a target set up about 25 feet away and Glenn was getting excited (which Maggie found extremely cute since she hadn't seen this side of him in a while).

"Oh, d-do I get to-" he began as Maggie set the gun in his strong hands, "oh... okay..."

"You wanna be standin' shoulder width apart and always have your weapon pointed in front of you at your target," she directed him, standing behind his body and holding his arms up while he aimed at the paper target in front of him.
She guided his finger to the trigger, patted his shoulder, then stepped back and told him to fire whenever he was ready.
Glenn focused in on the smallest red dot in the middle, slightly closing one eye.
Maggie took a look and smiled.
He did horrible.

"I um," he chuckled, "I-I'm sorry for shooting like shit..."

"Don't sweat it, Glenn, it's your first time,"

"Can I go again?"

It was like that until about noon when it started to rain. Maggie grabbed his target and they took the weapons back to The Hilltop.

"Have fun?" Jesus asked us.

"I fucking sucked," Glenn muttered.

"You'll get better with time," he answered.

"It would be better if I could fucking remember just a goddamn thing," he growled at nobody in particular.

"Hey-" Maggie started, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"What?" he spat.

"You don't need to beat yourself up about-"

"Yeah, okay, "wife I don't remember"" Glenn sighed, marching away back to the trailer.
Maggie glanced at Jesus, who shrugged and let out a slight chuckle, before walking away.
She decided to let him blow off some steam and walked the opposite direction to check in with the others.

While she thought he was just in his trailer, Glenn had reloaded the gun (which Maggie had accidentally left in his possession) and stomped off to the woods looking for something to shoot, or just to blow off some steam. He was angry and overwhelmed with everything. The fact that there were dead people walking around and his family was gone and even though he had a group of people caring for him (including a gorgeous girl he'd never even seen before who was apparently his pregnant wife) he'd never felt more alone.
In his head, everything he had told her was starting to just sound like lies and he was starting to not even believe himself. Hell, he didn't even know who he was, or what kind of a world he was living in, or if he was even there at all!

What if it's just some twisted dream, no matter what they tell me?

My parents... my sisters, they can't be dead!

He didn't even realize tears had spilled from his eyes as he sat alone on a fallen log in the misty woods, in late afternoon. He balled his fists, stood up and started to pace, thinking about everything that had happened in those past twenty-four hours. He didn't generally get like this, how he was at that time, all stressed out and confused and worked up. But something about everything he knew then had dawned on him and he didn't like it. He didn't like the feeling of living there, in that screwed up world. It was a like a whole new world that he didn't want to be a part of, but was being forced to.
Although there were benefits, he had an old life that he couldn't let go of and it was just itching away at him.

Deep breaths, Glenn, deep- his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of groans and grumbles, then snapping twigs.

Glenn turned his head to see a tall, fat old rotting walker, stumbling towards him.
He raised his gun.

"Come on, you bastard," Glenn muttered, "come on!"

It came closer, and within range for Glenn to pull the trigger on it.
Sadly, he didn't remember to switch off the safety.
Click, click.

"Uh... oh, shit," he pulled his gun back to look for the switch, then flicked it with his thumb, but by the time he raised his weapon again the walker had been practically right on top of him.

"Son of a bitch-"

Meanwhile, Maggie was panicking. She'd left to go meet with the others and when she went back to the trailer, Glenn wasn't there.

"Jesus," she cried, running up to him, "have you seen Glenn?"

"N-no," he scratched the stubble on his chin, "sorry. What happened, is he missing?"

"Yeah, I can't find him. Do you think he would've... ran away?"

"Maybe. It's a possibility we might have to consider, though," Jesus sighed.

They walked over to group up, Maggie's heart still beating fast.

"W-what if he's miles away... h-hurt? Or... d-dead-" she questioned Tara as they walked down to the woods.

"Hey, stop. He's fine. I bet he's just... confused, like a handicapped person or something," Tara comforted her with a slight chuckle.

"God, I hope so,"

Glenn stumbled backwards against a tree, kicking the walker away and knocking it down. His breathing picked up and his blood pressure was rising as he lunged forwards at it when it tried to stand back up. It grumbled and growled when Glenn pinned it down, then beat the pistol into its head several times until his hand and gun were covered in blood and guts.

Glenn leant back towards that tree, just sitting there and catching his breath.
Holy shit, he thought.

All of a sudden a hand grabbed his arm, pulling him up. His first instinct (regarding his later situation) was to shoot, so he threw up his gun and had his finger at the trigger.

"Glenn," Maggie gasped, staring at the gun in her face.

He swallowed.
"Glenn... put the gun down," she coaxed him.

Glenn let the weapon fall right from his hands.
Maggie pulled him into a big embrace, placing her lips on his afterwards, but he didn't kiss back.

"B-baby... what is it?"

"I um... I just needed t-to get out..."

"Yeah, but... why?" Maggie asked.

There was a pause before he took a deep breath.
"Because I feel like I'm not even real! Like, I have this gut sense that I'm supposed to be here and all, but then I also just can't help feeling like I'm pretending to be this person who I don't even know if I want to be!" Glenn yelled, his hands still on her hips.

After a moment of silence, Maggie sighed and tucked a piece of her memoryless husband's hair behind his ear.
"I-I want to know who I am!" he gazed at her with a look of sadness and desire.
"I want to remember,"

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