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"I don't... I just know I told you that, I-I remember promising you that," Glenn said.

"Anything else?"

"Well, not really,"


"Hey, I'm still here with you, okay?"

She modded.
"I love you," Maggie nuzzled into his shoulder.

It was so... strange how he didn't remember her, but he just felt something.
"I love you too," he smiled to himself.

The next morning he awoke early, taking the opportunity to just lay beside Maggie. He couldn't stop staring at her perfection. It was too hard to look away, because he feared she would disappear or he would wake up from some crazy dream.
Eventually he heard her groan, then she lifted her head and looked up at him, smiling.
He didn't know it, but that was something they did every morning.
Glenn smiled back as kissed her, instantly remembering how her lips felt on his.
She stood up, slipping her clothes back on and glanced back over at him.

"W-what do I get to do?" he asked.

"You," she paused to load her gun and holster it before finishing, "are staying here all day. You need to rest, you've got broken ribs, Glenn,"

"But I can help-"

"Glenn. You're staying here, okay?"

She kissed him on the cheek and walked out of the opening to the tent.

After he knew she was gone, he crawled out of the bed, clutching the sides for support. He found a sweatshirt and threw it on over his head.
Glenn looked terrible, with stitches on his face and bruises everywhere. But he didn't care, if he was going to be held in some place with no memory, he at least wanted a look around.

Once outside, he snuck around to the back of the tent where he found a stick big enough for him to lean on while he walked. So, despite what his wife that he didn't remember told him, he was going to investigate.
Glenn walked around down the gravel path.

"Hey, buddy, aren't you supposed to be resting?" A bearded man with long, light brown hair asked, coming up beside him.

"Um, Maggie asked me to get something from," he stopped to remember their leader's name, "Gre..."



"Okay," he walked away, giving him a weird look.

Glenn breathed out, and walked up the stairs to the main house. He pushed open the doors slowly, to find the room empty.
I guess everyone's got work to do.

He walked through the halls, and it all
seemed to familiar. Like he'd been there before. He guessed these parts of the memories that got buried, and they were just little pieces of them.

"Ah, you're the man with no memory, correct?"

Glenn turned around to see an older man pointing at him.

"Y-yeah," he responded, "Gregory?"

"That's me. I've had some talks with your wife, I have to say, you're a lucky man, Glenn," he chuckled.

"Uh huh," I nodded, "hey, can I ask you something?"


"Are they good people? Rick and Maggie and the people that I have...
w-with me...?"

"I think so. They practically saved my life last time they were here. I don't know much about them or what they've done in the past, how they got here and all, but I think that's something you're gonna have to ask Maggie," Gregory told him.

"Oh, well, thanks," he said, walking away.
His stomach muscles were starting to hurt really bad, so he figured he better get back to his cot and rest.

After his nap, Glenn woke up to the sound of shuffling noises, and his eyes fell on Maggie.

"Hi." he greeted her sheepishly.

"Hey,"  she smiled, sitting down beside him.

"Maggie, are you okay with this?"

"You losin' your memory?"


"Glenn, I love you whether you can remember me or not," Maggie said, rubbing his back as she sat down beside him.

"Are you going to bed?" Glenn asked her, and she nodded, throwing off her sweater so she was just in her t-shirt, then swiftly letting her jeans fall to the ground.
He was only in his boxers and t-shirt as well, and let her climb in next to him.

"Maggie," Glenn sat up, "can you tell me about it first?"

"'Bout what?"


She sighed, and rested her hand on his knee.

"Well you should know that I wasn't with your group in the start. I remember sitting on the front porch of my house on the farm I used to have with my daddy and my sister, when Rick came running up through the field with Carl in his arms,"


"That's his son. He's about fifteen or sixteen now. He'd been shot. It was a huntin' accident, our friend Otis, who'd been stayin' with us, accidentally shot him when he was huntin' for deer. The bullet went right through. Anyways, Rick and his friend came up with Carl and I called my daddy. I remember how they had him laid down on a bed, and how torn up Rick was. I decided to get Lori, his wife who was with the rest of the group, so-"

"You came and took her... you rode off on a horse..."

"Yeah... How did-"

"I'll have little pieces of stuff come back to me here and there, but I cut you off. Go on,"

"Okay, well, when we got back, Carl needed medicine so my dad could do surgery. When Shane, Rick's friend, and Otis went off to find the supplies, that's when I met you,"

"W-what did you think of me?"

"I don't know, you were cute, handsome, charismatic, dorky," Maggie chuckled, "and I liked that. No matter how bitchy I would act with you sometimes, just know that it was all an act. You saved my life. Like literally, too, I'm not sure I ever really thanked you for that. But you helped me through everythin'. You were easy to talk to, and easy to come to if I ever needed anythin'. I knew that I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you, no matter how cheesy it sounds. It's true. I love you, Glenn," she spoke every word looking deep into his eyes.

Glenn was trying hard to not tear up from everything she's said. It was so strange to hear somebody talking about him like that, and he was having trouble keeping it together.

He wanted so badly to remember.
He didn't care about his old life, he wanted this one.
He needed Maggie.

"I w-wish I could remember how I felt when I first met you," Glenn murmured.

"You do, it was yesterday-"

"Like, the first time I ever saw you," he gazed at her, "you're so perfect," he whispered, moving closer to her as she pulled him into a hug.

"You'll remember soon, baby. Soon,"

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