Not knowing that she was the recipient of the apology, Celine kept on walking, her feet dashing in a speed as if there was some force drawing her forward but that was before the ranger paused in his tracks and gently tugged at the girl's hand, effectively halting her steps.

Pausing just in front of the gates, the swordsmaster turned towards the man with an impatient glower, wordlessly asking as to whatever was it of great importance that made the man stop and pull her along with him as well.

Aragorn tilted his head in a way that seemed to tell her that she should know quite well what the answer to her question is, to which the girl only furrowed her brows in reply.

The man sighed and shook his head helplessly, "The lady asked for your forgiveness."

"Was it really necessary? It was such a trifling matter that there was hardly-" the Dunedain had cut her off by giving her a hard look.

Turning to the woman, Celine decided that the quicker she could take care of this little picayune the earlier she'll be able to greet her guests.

Flashing a slightly fake smile, she gathered all the chivalry she has left at her faintly temperamental self's disposal and turned all of her attention on the blonde woman, "Everything is forgiven, my lady." She stated formally, the iciness in her tone never to be missed even by the most oblivious of all beings.

"Now, shall we get going?" She enunciated each word, warning the Dunedain that one more delay from him would likely cost him his own throat.

Aragorn was caught off guard by the sudden hostility. He inwardly cursed the swordsmaster's mercurial behavior, trying his hardest not to flinch as he immediately nodded the moment the glare intensified on him.

"Good." The girl tilted her head, before turning to Eowyn and raising another question, "How about you, my lady? Everything's settled on your side?"

One blonde head nodded quickly, wanting to get those piercing pairs of amethyst off her general direction as fast as she could.

Celine allowed herself a quiet snicker, pleased at everyone's cooperation and her silent threat's unwavering effectiveness.

Rising her head to look at the guards above and at the sides, she rose her hand and shouted, "Open the gates!"

But of course, there had to be that one guard who'll ask why and would doubt her orders because she is neither the king nor Aragorn.

Giving said guard a stone cold glare, Celine mentally counted to ten to reign her temper in before she explodes. And of course, Aragorn was quick to catch up on this.

"Follow as the swordsmaster says. Open the gates!" He bellows, rising a comforting hand on the girl's rigid shoulder as he gave her a consoling smile.

Which only made the girl's frown deepen. Dropping one of his hands, she crossed her arms over her chest and glowered at every single guard in their presence. Not liking the apparent doubt they seemed to have of her power and credibility.

"Celine, calm down." Aragorn's voice seemed to say but it had been drowned in the sounds of the chains being pulled and the gates opening and her own head throbbing loud in poorly restrained anger.

"Any more of that scowl and your youthful face would be wasted for naught, young priestess." An elegantly deep voice resounded crystal clear as the last of the wooden barrier was lifted to reveal an army of elves lead by no one else but the ellon who had spoken earlier with such fond playfulness in his tone.

Looking up from where she was glaring daggers on the floor, her lavender eyes immediately met serene pale blues resting on a perfectly sculpted face and a tiny smile was back on her face once more.

Perched atop his grand elk with all the genteel of the noble king that he is, clad in his battle armor of silver and with his all too familiar circlet resting on his forehead, the notion of the king never aging a day since they had last met never escaped the girl's thoughts.

He is still very much the same as she remembered him. Long blond hair billowing behind his back like a silken cape, clean cut features, pale blue eyes and the intimidating mien of a king.

Of course she knew better.

But that didn't stop her from reliving old habits. They do die hard after all.

"My king," she walked upfront and gave the ellon an Elvish salute before dropping to one of her knees in the form of respect.

"You may rise," the Elvenking commanded a little bit faster than he intended to, before giving the girl a meaningful nod.

Standing back to her feet, she walked a bit more so that she stood beside the king's mighty steed.

Turning back to her companions and the rest of Rohan who had woken up and flocked around them to see their visitors, she announced,

"My ladies and gentlemen, the army of the Elvenking of Mirkwood, Thranduil Oropherion has come to our aid in battle!"

Everyone bursted into relieved and ecstatic cheers, welcoming the elves into the fortress of Helm's Deep with such an uplifting vigor that even Aragorn couldn't keep himself from rushing forward to meet the king, along with many others.

But like everyone else that attempted, he had been lost in the crowd when the Elvenking had stepped off his mount.

-----☆To be continued

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