15. Saving the Proxies

Start from the beginning

"Wh-what..? H-how..?" I stuttered.

"We managed to break out, and found you tied to a chair in one of the rooms. You seemed to be having a horrible dream" Hoodie explained before I could actually ask a question. Like he knew.

"Th-this.. This is strange..."

Hoodie sighed, but kept going. Something was bothering him, I just know it. I decided not to ask, not yet, and looked around. We were just entering the forest, and Masky and Toby were following close behind us. Toby was twitching much more than usual, and was covered in dust and soot. Masky was looking forward, face hard, his clothes ripped here and there, and his mask in his hand. Half the mask was burnt away.

What happened to them..?

The walk back to the Mansion was silent and unnerving. Occasionally, I insisted that I can walk, but Hoodie wouldn't let me down. He wouldn't even say anything, just hold on tighter. Also, for some reason, I couldn't feel my right foot. I tried moving it occasionally, but I couldn't feel anything so I have no idea if it worked. When we walked in, Slender immediately ran to us, worried sick.

"(y/n)! What happened to you?! And you boys?" he demanded. He took me from Hoodie and glared at them. Well, tried to.

"You were supposed to protect her!" He scolded. They just looked down. I frowned in confusion.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." I asked. Slender put me down on the couch and pointed to my feet.

"How is that okay?!"

I frowned and looked down. I gasped when I saw what he meant. The reason I couldn't feel my foot... was because it wasn't there! My entire right foot from right under my knee is gone.

"Wh-what?! How? When..?" I stuttered. I didn't get an answer.

After they were sure I calmed down a bit, Hoodie picked me up and silently took me to EJ's lab to get fixed properly.

"Why wont you talk to me?" I asked, voice soft and shaky.

Hoodie sighed and looked at me. "What do you want to talk about?" I said in an almost.. monotone voice.

"Oh, I don't know.. maybe explain what the hell happened?" I asked, glaring at him. I want answers!

"(Y/n).... can we not talk about this now? Please?" He looked at me with pleading eyes, and my gaze softened. I kept quiet after that.

Hoodie stayed by my side as EJ bandaged what's left of my leg, then carried me to Jason's room.

"Jason? I need a favour.." he mumbled. Jason opened the door and did a double take.

"What on earth happened to you two?" He blurted.

"No time to explain. Think you can make a prosthetic?" Hoodie asked and nodded to my leg. Jason looked at my leg, then nodded.

"Its just.. a large doll part. Easy. I make large dolls all the time" He blabbered, then walked back into his workshop. He didn't even take measurements. He probably doesn't need to.

After that, Hoodie carried me to my father's office, where Toby and Masky were already waiting. Before he could open the door, however, I stopped him.

"Wait... I need to do something first..." I muttered, then pulled on his collar and looked at the stairs.

"My room." I said.

Hoodie didn't question my request, and took me up to my room. When we got there, he placed me on my bed and took a step back, waiting for the next request. I beckoned him closer with my hand, and he took a step closer. Without warning, I grabbed the front of his hoodie and pulled him down, giving him a quick, soft, but passionate kiss. Even though I planned it, I blushed, and smiled into the kiss when I felt him kiss back. After a while, pulled away slightly, our lips still brushing together.

"I just needed to do that.." I whispered. He looked surprised, yet happy, but that remaining grimness was still evident in his eyes. Just as I started pulling away, he kissed me again, longer this time, and put one hand on my hip. The other was on my cheek. It felt like I was floating, and butterflies buzzed almost painfully in my stomach. After a long while, he pulled away, smirking, and picked me up again. We were both smiling, but the seriousness of the previous situation was returning, and by the time we reached the office again, our smiles had faded. My father was already talking to the others.

"-Obvious that we have to stay on high alert. You say that Alex boy is back?"

"Yes, sir. We think he's a proxy" Masky said.

 They looked at us when they saw us enter, and silence filled the room.

"....Sorry we're late..." Hoodie muttered and put me down in a chair, standing next to me. The others were all looking at me, and didn't say anything. Hoodie frowned and looked slightly outraged.

"Seriously? Why can't she be here? She's obviously a part of this!" he complained.

Still no answer. Hoodie huffed and picked me up, then took me outside, to the living room, and put me down on the couch.

"I'll give you the details afterwards, alright?" he said. I nodded and sighed. With that, he reluctantly left.

What did happen back there? Could my escape, the conversation, that room all be a dream? It just felt too real... It makes no sense... Sighing, I sat up and inspected my right leg. Directly below the knee, like it was planned. Either it was so horribly injured that it had to be amputated, or whoever did this, did it for a good reason... but why? I can teleport, so that won't exactly slow me down... maybe its just to annoy me... I've been so deep in thought, pondering this, that I hadn't noticed that Hoodie was back. He sat down in front of me, and waved his hand in front of my face, making me snap back to reality.

"So, mainly, we just told Slender what happened... because we don't know much else.. something is very wrong about this whole... thing." he explained. I nodded and patiently wait for him to continue.

"I noticed..." I muttered

" Yes but... the worst part is... I can't remember escaping. I just... woke up in the same room as you, a fire starting in the other side of the building" he said, looking down. He looked.. scared.

"Another thing... the other two... something is very wrong with them... they're like zombies.. and they can't remember anything either." He frowned, still looking down, then looked up at me. "Something is going on here that we're underestimating entirely.. someone is behind this.. and they're not playing games"

"So... what's happening? Do we know who it is?" I asked

"We have theories... as for what's happening?" His expression hardened and he looked like he was about to bite something.

"War. That's what's happening,"

~To Be Continued~

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