14. What Happened?

Start from the beginning

I was fed up.

First, I meet my only living relatives after 16 years of being abandoned.

Second, my best and only friends start fighting over me.

Thirdly, some fire-crazy wacko is after me

And Fourthly, just when I finally made up my mind, the damned jerk kidnaps them!

I growled loudly in frustration, and immediately caught the nearby passersby's attention. My tendrils extended, and a loud ringing noise echoed through the region. My mouth split at the side, like Slender's does, and my eyes darkened until they were black. Out of frustration, I threw my grenades at the people and large infernos started as the grenades exploded. The humans that weren't killed either ran away screaming, or tried helping others.

I was so angry.

My vision  turned red, and I started killing everything in sight.

Until I saw the last building with living things in them.

An old abandoned warehouse.

I growled and kicked the doors open, revealing a very clean, modern building, and stormed in. Somehow, I missed someone, and they grabbed me from behind before I could sense them, or fight back, and pressed a rag against my face.

I gasped and breathed in a sweet aroma.


I was out in seconds.


I woke up again in a dimly lit room. No windows, and I couldn't tell if it was night or day. I felt nauseous because of that stupid chloroform, and I felt dizzy. Everything felt.. weird... I must still be in Rage-Mode. I tried moving my arms, but they wouldn't move. I blinked a few times, in hope to sharpen my vision again.

The room I was in, was relatively empty, with a few pipes and boxes, and I was sitting... yes.. I was sitting on a chair and tied up with thick ropes. If I moved just the right way, the ropes would slip down a teensy bit, but it will never be enough to get out.

I heard footsteps, and hung my head, pretending to still be asleep, in hope to trick them somehow.

"-Still haven't told me what you plan on doing to the girl"

Alex Kralie.

"You don't have to know"

I blinked. I didn't know who the other guy is, but something about his voice.. it sounds so familiar..

"Oi! We know you're not asleep!" Alex yelled, making me flinch.

I glared at him and struggled a bit.

"Where are my friends??" I asked

"Somewhere" said the unknown man. It was too dark to see his face. Or him for that matter.

"Where is 'somewhere'?"

"Not in this room"

I growled in frustration, and tried to extend my tendrils to untie the ropes, but they were trapped.

"Let me go!"


I blinked and stopped struggling


"We can let you go, but we won't tell you where your friends are. We are done with you"

I thought a while, trying to make sense of his words, then I growled at him

"What did you do to me?? Where are the proxies?? What are you going to do to them??"

"Oh, don't you worry. It's not your concern"

I growled at him again, and struggled more. This guy wasn't good for my already thin-worn patience. I bared my teeth as I struggled and violently pulled against the ropes. A strange, almost animalistic, snarl escaped my mouth, and I lashed out with my tendrils, and the chair I was sitting on broke, allowing my freedom. I immediately got up and stood in a threatening stance, ready to attack, but the bloody cowards were gone. I snarled and ran up the steps, my worry for the proxies coming back like an annoying rash. My cheeks knit themselves back together, and my tendrils retracted, as I sprinted through the building, only now realising that I'm defenceless except for my powers, and searched for the proxies.

I swear, as soon as I save them, I will burn this place down, and make sure Alex and his buddy are still in here.

I. will. kill. them.

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