10. Boys are Idiots

Start from the beginning

I was so deep in thought, I hadn't noticed that the door was closed, and walked right into it.

"Ow! Oh..." I said. Opening the door and going inside, I went straight to the kitchen. I didn't bother to get food, I just sat at the table and smacked my head against it. I stayed like that, my forehead against the table and just... sitting there... for what felt like forever, but in reality, it was about twenty minutes.

"What's up with you?" asked who I immediately recognised as Laughing Jack.

"I'm an idiot... I blew it..." Why did I tell him this? I mentally smacked myself upside the head for that.

"Ohhh... girl problems." he said.

I sighed, but didn't look up.

"So... what? You're just gonna stay there like that?" he said.

I shrugged. "I donno. I have no idea what to do... I feel like an ass."

I heard something being put on the table and looked up. It was a bowl of candy, which Jack was probably carrying when he came in here. He was leaning on the table on one hand and was looking at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face? No, nevermind... Don't answer that."

"Hoodie, you're depressing. Stop it." he said.

I sighed and smacked my head against the table again.

"I'm no expert on girls, believe me, and I have no intention in helping you here, because I don't want to, but you're gonna stop being depressing whether you like it or not. You're making even me feel depressed."

I rolled my eyes and got up from my seat, then went to my room.

Time to figure shit out, I guess.

~Toby's PoV~

"-But, Toby!" said Clockwork, who was following me around the house while I try to get away.

"No! I don't care what the fangirls say. I don't like 'em and neither will I listen to them." I said for the gazillionth time.

"But what if they're right?"

"They're not. Leave me alone!"


"Go away!"

She sighed and went away.

I crashed into the couch and gave an exhausted sigh.

"She tryna ask you out again because fangirls are shipping you two?" BEN asked, not bothering to look up from his video game.

"Yup..." I muttered.

"I pity you, bro. At least you're not being shipped by a guy"

"Heh, poor Jeff... Isn't he being shipped by you, Slender and Jane? Ha! Sucker."

"You think that's bad, you should see the fan art. I swear, I'm gonna kill each and everyone of those chicks."

I snorted. "At least it's well-drawn." I said.

"Pfft, like it makes a difference"

(I'm sorry for you 'shipper-fangirls' but honestly, why?)

"So... you wanna play or are you just gonna sit there?" BEN asked.

"...sure" I said and grabbed a controller.

We played for a while, for some reason I won a lot, which makes no sense, since I never beat BEN before.

"H-how?" he said.

"No idea..." I said, bored outta my mind.

"You okay, dude? You're not your usual hyper-self"

"Yes.. no... I donno"

"Ugh... feelings. Okay, pretend I didn't ask."

"Works for me"

I stood up and went out to the forest.

Maybe a walk will make me feel better.

Unhooking a hatchet from my belt, I decided chopping a few things down is the best way to clear my head.

My sadness turned into anger.

"It *chop* makes *chop* no *chop* SENSE! *chop chop chop*" I muttered to myself. I ended up cutting down a tree. Realizing what I've done, I dropped my hatchet and hurried away, trying not to look suspicious.

I'm in such deep shit now.

I heard faint static and started walking faster. Slender teleported in front of me and I yelped in surprise.

"It wasn't me!" I said.

"Toby..." Slender said

"Okay, maybe it was.. but not on purpose! I was randomly swinging. I didn't notice!"

Slender crossed his arms and 'looked' at me. I started laughing awkwardly and twitching more than usual.

"C-can I go now?" I asked sheepishly.

Slender sighed.


I sighed in relief and walked away.

That could've been really messy.

~Your PoV~

I'm not even entirely sure why I'm angry.

After talking to uncle Trendy, I went to the practice room to take my anger out on the dummies, but I'm not even sure I'm angry.

I listened to music while I did so, Slicing and chopping along with the tempo of the songs.

Why the hell am I so angry?

"Pfft, screw it" I said to no one and went to the living room, still listening to my music.

On the way there, I decided a walk might be good. I walked to the door, but paused. It occurred to me that going alone might be a bad idea, cuz there's a whacko after me.

I turned to Jeff and BEN, who were in the living room again.

"Hey, can I ask you two a favour..?" I said.

"Why don't you just ask your Proxy buddies? You usually do." Jeff said.

"I'm... avoiding them...."

"Why?" BEN said

"It's a long story.... look, I just need someone to go with me, cuz there's a killer after me."

"You're Slenderman's daughter. I'm sure you'll be fine" Jeff said. I laughed and scratched the back of my neck.

"You'll be surprised to hear that that was my reaction, too. I was proven wrong, though."

"Okay, fine, we'll go." Jeff said.

"We? Dude, I'm in the middle of a game!"

"Aw, c'mon! Look at that face!" Jeff said, pointing at me. I tried my best puppy-dog-eyes look, and eventually managed to win BEN over.

"Ugh.... fine" he said.

I smiled at waited for them to get up.

"Thank you." I said.

"So... you gonna tell us why you're avoiding your little proxy buddies?" Jeff said, while we trudged through the forest.

"Sure... but you gotta catch me first!" I said and sprinted ahead.

"Hey! Come back here!" Jeff and BEN said simultaneously and ran after me.

Boys... such idiots

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