

She'd make a great Proxy if she didn't hate Slender so much, though.

"Hey, need some help?" I asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Heh, sure Hoods..." she said.

She was just standing in the middle of the kitchen, probably contemplating what to make.

"Hmm, let's make some waffles. Can't go wrong with waffles." I say, smirking.

She smiled at me. "Okay! You grab the things in the fridge while I get the other stuff."

Point: Hoodie! I mentally cheered. So far so good, right?

Toby came rushing into the kitchen. Obviously, he waited for the right moment to intervene.

"I heard someone say waffles!" He said.

"You heard correct! Hoodie and I are making waffles." (y/n) said.

"Ooh! Can I help out, too?" he said. I glared at him.

"Sure, Buddy!" she said.

Crap. Deduct my previous point.

I'm glad I put on my mask again, 'cuz my reaction might've made it too obvious. Oops.

Then, just to add insult to injury, Masky came in too.

"Overheard you guys. Thought I might as well help, too" he said.


He stood and waited by the door for the perfect opportunity, I knew him well enough to know that.

I rolled my eyes, and turned to (y/n).

She seemed deep in though, then looked down, seeing her blood-stained clothes.

"Oh! I'm such an idiot. I'll be right back, boys. Just gonna change into cleaner clothes." she said.

We smiled at her and watched her leave.

When I was sure she was gone, I turned to the other two.

"I know you're trying to make a move on her!" All three of us said at the same time.

We gave each other confused looks, then glared again.

Before a fight could've broke out, which probably would've happened, (Y/n) was back.

That was quick.

She now wore a loose (f/c) cotton T-shirt, dark blue leggings and her hair was tied up with a big clip.

"Let's get this party started!" she said.

We smiled again, not betraying any sign of conflict.

I did awesomely, of course. I mean come on, I was an actor before I got stalked by Slender and Alex shot me. Wow, that memory just seems to pop up every time. Weird.

Y'know, maybe it means something. The last time thoughts kept popping into my head, I discovered I had a crush on the girl I was constantly thinking of. Yeah, bad example I know... Hmmm... what about the time I kept thinking of that freaky hospital while shooting Marble Hornets? It turned out to be the hospital where Masky spent a considerable amount of his childhood. Kinda sad if you ask me.

Anyway, it's probably PTSD or something. After all, I have been shot by the person who I called a friend.

Betrayal isn't fun. Not even a little bit.

"Hoodie?" (y/n) said.

"Hmm?" I said, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Because you just zoned out. For a while. Fifteen minutes to be exact."

I just stared at her.

'Gee.... maybe I'm right about the whole PTSD thing...' I thought

"PTSD? Why do you think you have PTSD?" she asked.

Crap. I said that out loud?

"Hoods, I thought you said you were fine." Masky said.

"I am fine." I insisted.

"I don't know, man. You were talking in your sleep the other day too." Toby said.

"How the hell would you possible know that?"

"You fell asleep on the couch while watching a movie. I heard you when I wanted to go get some food."


We were all silent for a while.

"Hoodie... you remember the last time this happened?" Masky asked.

"You'd be surprised to hear that that was the exact same thing I was thinking about the entire time."

"You guys, maybe it's time we take (y/n) to S-" Toby said.

"No, it's fine. It'll be fine. We can figure this out." I said.

(Y/n) came over to me, stopping right in front of my. Slowly, she lifted her hand, placing it my collarbone. She moved the fabric of my hoodie out of the way. Realization hit me in the face when I noticed that she spotted my Proxy symbol. I recoiled, hoping she didn't really see it.

"I knew it..." she mumbled.

Idiot! Why didn't I stop her?! Now she knows.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped..." she mumbled again.


"Uh, (y/n)...?"

"Take me to him"

"What?" all three of us said simultaneously.

"Take. Me. To. Him." she said slowly.

I looked to the others. They were just as confused as I was.

(Y/n) grabbed a jacket that was hanging over the back of a chair and slipped on the combat boots that always resided in the corner of the kitchen.

"Let's go see Slender."

Proxy Problems (Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now