1. Operation: Undercover

Start from the beginning

Sighing when Toby got syrup on Masky's jacket, and Masky started yelling at him, he decided to tune them out with music. He pulled out his earphones and MP3 player and drowned out the noise with songs by Bring Me the Horizon, Imagine Dragons, Icons for Hire etc.

These two are going to murder each other one day, he thought.

Not that he'd be surprised, the whole Mansion consisted of murderous psychopaths. Him included.

One of the residents, named Sally, an eight year old girl who wears a bloody pink dress and carries around her teddy bear, Charlie, came skipping into the kitchen. Her big green eyes landed on Hoodie, who had finished his cheesecake but didn't want to stand up and go away. Her brown curls were tangled and bounced a bit as she skipped over next to Hoodie.

Hoodie, who still had his earphones on, didn't even notice until she pulled on his sleeve.

He looked at the little girl and smiled, turning his music off.

"Yes, Sally?"

"Will you come play with me? LJ is out killing and I'm so bored!" she whined. Hoodie chuckled and turned towards her.

"Sure. Anything to get away from these two fighting all the time"

Sally giggled and cheered, then pulled on his sleeve, leading him to her bedroom.

They bounded up the steps and entered her room.

"So, what did you want to play?" Hoodie asked.

"Hmmm... I don't know. You just looked kinda sad when you sat there by yourself, so I wanted to cheer you up!" she giggled. Hoodie smiled at her silliness.

"Sally, I always look sad. My mask has a frown on it." he said, gesturing to the ski-mask that covered his face, which had two red eyes and a frown stitched on the black fabric.

"Yeah, but you looked sad without your mask, dummy!" she said.

"Alright, Sally. Say, let's go see if we can get Jason to make you a new toy, eh?" he said

Her face lightened up and a huge smile played on her face.

"Oh! Yes! Let's go find Jason the Toymaker! Ooh! How do you think it would look? Maybe he can make one that looks like me!" she started giggling and chatting excitedly, while Hoodie looked down the corridor for the blue door that marked Jason's workshop.

Soon, they found the door and Hoodie knocked on it, not wanting to barge in on... whatever Jason might've been doing. (No, you nasty minded people, not like that! Okay, maybe a little... Pfft, whatever XP)

Jason opened the door almost immediately, his golden eyes slightly glowing and a soft smile playing at his lips. He was a few inches taller than Hoodie, but that didn't matter much.

"Can I help you?" he asked

"Can you-"

"Jason! Jason! Can you make me a new toy? Pwease?" Sally chirped. Jason chuckled at the small girl and bent down to her length.

"Sure, come on in, sweetheart, I'm sure our pal Hoodie here has lots of things to do." he said and picked her up.

"Thanks, Jace. I'll see ya later." Hoodie said and turned around.

Despite the fact that they were all psychotic killers, they still cared for each other.

They were a family.

Hoodie smiled at the thought, thinking of how this is his only real family, since he can't remember his actual one. Most of them can't.

Yet again, most of their families were the reason they became killers.

Hoodie started thinking back to the time he became a Creepypasta. He and Masky came together, and believe it or not, they were actors at first, busy with a college film-project with their friend Alex, who later tried to kill them. They were all being pursued by Slender, being stalked by him, and it made them paranoid and drove them to insanity.

Hoodie shuddered, remembering the time Alex kidnapped and shot him.

No, he thought. Alex is dead. He can't bother me any longer.

But that didn't make it any less terrifying.

Soon, he found himself back in the kitchen, with Toby and Masky both covered in syrup, glowering at ach other from across the table.

Hoodie sighed. "Ugh... what am I going to do with you two? You know what, just get ready. The sooner we finish the mission, the better, right?" he said. The other two looked at him, then nodded.

Let the Fun begin, then.

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