Mr. Unexpected-Chapter 6

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After Jordan and I skyped we seemed to get into the flow of talking to each other. If we didn't get to talk on the phone we'd text until one of us had to go to bed. Jordan's training was getting more intense. That's how he put it but I'm sure he was loving it.

It was almost 7:00 which meant Jordan would be getting back to the hotel he was staying at soon. He told me they had a scrimmage today and that we could talk after. It was the 4th day of training camp and Jordan said if he was lucky they'd stay for a week.

I looked down as my phone buzzed. I was laying in my bed waiting for Jordan to text me.

Jordan: Hey :)

I texted back and flicked through the tv channels until I stopped on much music. They had a countdown on so I left it there and looked down at my phone. I fiddled with the case until I felt it buzz.

Jordan: i just got back scrimmage was rough how are u?

I texted back saying that I was good but tired from staying out in the sun all day. He knew sun tired me out. I looked back at the tv when the song changed and smiled when one of my favourite songs came on. Jordan and I talked for about 10 more minutes before I asked him if he wanted to skype. When he said yes I went to find my laptop. I also grabbed some snacks and my charger cord. I got back to my room and closed the door before dropping down onto my bed. I got comfortable and then set up Skype and called Jordan.

When his face popped up I couldn't stop the smile that tugged at the corners of my lips. I felt my face heat and I heard Jordan chuckle. He was smiling too so I said hi.

"Hey babe" I could still hear the chuckle forming in the back of his throat.

"Haha shut up" I said jokingly.

"I didn't say anything!" He exclaimed smiling.

I giggled and let Jordan tell me all about his day.

"When Riley and I got to practice only half the guys were there. We saw some guys packing their stuff up in the change room. It kind of freaked me out. I asked one of the equipment guys where everyone was and he said some of the guys had already been denied and were being sent home. I felt bad for them but I'm glad neither Riley or I were sent home. There's about 10 guys left" he explained "enough for 5 on 5 luckily."

"They probably did that on purpose" I said to him.

He nodded and continued talking "Well we played for about 30 minutes. My team lost though so we had to do a bag skate."

"Aw poor Jordy" I joked.

"Shut up bag skates suck" he complained.

I laughed then "I know they do."

"Tomorrow's my day off" I could hear excitement in his voice.

"Shouldn't you be out with the guys right now then?" I didn't want to be the reason he didn't go out with his friends.

"No the guys are leaving around 9. I told them I'd come out later" he smiled "I wanted to spend time with you."

I could feel myself blushing "Thanks Jordy, I'm glad we're doing this."

"Me too."

*Jordan's POV*

~An Hour Later~

Angelina had her head tilted up, her mouth open wide letting out a loud laugh. Her laughter was contagious as I started chuckling as well. She looked back at me one last giggle slipping between her lips. Ah those lips. If I wasn't 500 miles away I would have been kissing them. The thought of not being able to for another week or so killed me but I smiled at her anyways.

Mr. Unexpected- A Jordan Eberle FanficWhere stories live. Discover now