Mr. Unexpected- (Chapter 2)

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*Angelina’s POV*

                I was so utterly confused. Did Jordan really feel that way? For how long? I never even thought he felt that way. Then I became angry. He knew what all those guys did to me and now he was just going to do it again. If he got signed to Edmonton after training camp he would be leaving too, I’d just get my heart broken all over again. I watched him walk up to the stage, taking off his suit jacket and reaching out to shake the hands of the people on the stage. He was handed his hat and jersey as he slipped them on he looked up to us. He turned back to the photographer and wrapped his arms around the two men on either side of him. He smiled that big cheesy smile I knew so well. I swear I could see that little gap from here. I smiled, then feeling a tear slip down from my eye I reached up and wiped it away before anyone could notice. He climbed down from the stage and I turned and walked down the stairs, saying I was going to the restroom. I walked into the closest one and locked the stall behind me. I put down the toilet seat and sat on it. That’s when I let myself fall apart. I wish Jordan would have told me this earlier. I didn’t know how I felt about him, sure he was a cutie but he was my best friend. He may be leaving for Edmonton, I couldn’t start something just for it to end and then ruin what we already had. I grabbed some of the thin rough toilet paper, dabbing at my eyes. Then I remembered my makeup and silently cursed myself.  I unlocked the stall and walked to the sinks. I cleaned off my face until I looked alright. I headed out of the restroom to find Jordan’s family.

*Jordan’s POV*

                I looked up and saw my family and Angelina watching me. I got my picture taken and climbed down from the stage. I looked up to the stands and saw Angelina leaving. She turned down the hallway to the restrooms.  I was led to the interview table along with the GM of the Oilers. I could feel my hands start to sweat. Interviews were never my best spot. I rubbed them on my pants, instantly hearing Angelina’s voice in my head “Jordan you’ll get them greasy!” I put my hands under my thighs and looked at the interviewer as he started talking. He asked me about how I dealt with waiting until the 22nd draft.  I answered truthfully saying I had let my mind wander but not putting in details. The interview was over after a few questions about my previous hockey teams and such.  I was informed I would have to talk to a few more people then I could find my family and head to the family photo shoot. I texted Angelina telling her to bring my family to the back room labeled family shoot. She replied and then I was ushered away to talk to some journalists.

*Angelina’s POV*

                Once Jordan’s family and I had found the family photo shoot room I left to explore and clear my mind. I walked down the hallway, where I found 3 doors. A custodian closet, a dressing room and finally a door that wasn’t marked. I grabbed the knob and slowly opened it. It looked sort of like a waiting room so I went in and closed the door behind me. I sat down in one of the plush chairs. Now as I looked around the room I could tell it was more of a break room.  On the far wall there were counters lined with cupboards. A toaster and a microwave sat on the counter. There was a small sink and to the right was a fridge. In front of the eating area was a table that was completely empty. Four chairs sat around it, all tucked under neatly. Where I was sitting there was a small couch, opposite a TV, the chair I was sitting in and an exact replica of it on the other side of the couch. A small coffee table sat in front of me, covered in newspapers and magazines. That was mostly it, this room didn’t look like it was used much. Suddenly I heard the door open, I turned to see a boy around 16 come in. He looked up and spotted me surprised, his eyes widened.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know there was anyone in here” he mumbled “I’ll just leave..” he finished.

“No it’s okay, I was just leaving” I said as I got up and walked past him opening the door and stepping back into the hallway. Now I went in the opposite direction. As I passed the photo room I looked in seeing Jordan and his family walking towards the white backdrop. I kept walking and found that the hallway split into two different ones. I turned left and walked until the end where I found a clear space. There was an elevator, door to a staircase and a door to the main floor. I went out onto the main floor and found myself in the space between the stage and stands. I turned around and walked back to the photo room assuming Jordan would be done by now. They were and they were waiting outside for me.

Mr. Unexpected- A Jordan Eberle FanficWhere stories live. Discover now