Mr. Unexpected-(Chapter 3)

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*Angelina's POV*

That night changed everything. Jordan and I had been inseparable ever since. He went off to Edmonton to meet the team and I stayed home. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He was gone for 2 days. We've been apart longer than that. Today though was different.

I was sitting in the passenger seat of Jordan's truck. We were on our way to the airport. The car was silent except for the radio playing faintly and Jordan's hockey equipment rattling in the truck behind us. We arrived at the airport and I opened the door and jumped out. I didn't want to talk to Jordan right now. I watched him climb down from the truck and unlock the trunk. He grabbed his suitcase and hockey bag. I grabbed his duffel bag and he locked up the trunk. We were walking side by side towards the airport doors.

I planned on waiting with Jordan until he boarded his plane at 10:00am and then I would leave and take his truck home. He said I could borrow it while he was gone but to be honest it would probably sit in my driveway until he was back. It reminded me too much of him. It even god damned smelt like him. I couldn't deal with that.

We walked into the airport and headed towards gate 8, where flight 378 was headed to Edmonton. It wasn't a long flight due to the fact we were in Regina but it was faster than driving.

We stopped at a row of seats separated from all the others. I placed Jordan's bag down and sat on one of the seats. He sat down beside me parking the suitcase in front of him. I hadn't looked at him once this morning. I didn't know what he was feeling.

"Angelina.." Jordan said quietly placing his hand lightly on me thigh.

I turned to face him now smiling at him weakly. I could tell he knew something was wrong. His face showed it.

"Hey. I won't be gone long, you can call me anytime. There's no time difference."

I nodded my head sheepishly and placed my hand on his. Jordan and I weren't officially dating but I know whatever we were doing was more than friends. It was obviously different than we were before. Jordan put his arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him, locking his arms around me. I rubbed my face in the cotton of his sweater enveloped in his scent. I smiled absently and wrapped my arms around his lower back. I felt him place his chin on my head and I cuddled in closer to his chest. He was warm and made me feel safe. Especially in a busy airport where I had always felt a little claustrophobic. I felt the stubble of Jordan's chin run over my forehead. I let go of him and pulled back to look up at him. He loosened his grip on me but didn't let go.

"I hope you have fun" I said quietly.

"Thanks" was all he said.

He was staring at me so intently I blushed and looked down at my lap. I never felt like this around Jordan before. He pulled me in for a hug again. The overhead speakers suddenly crackled and a voice announced "Flight 378 headed for Edmonton is now boarding". I let go of Jordan and grabbed his duffel bag. I watched him stand up and put his hockey bag over his shoulder. He grabbed the duffel bag from me and grabbed my hand walking towards the gate. The attendant at the gate was short and thin with a small burgundy bob haircut. I hugged Jordan again.

"Goodbye Jordan, good luck" I smiled then to show him I was fine. His smile faltered but then he flashed his cheesy grin.

"Thanks, I'll see you soon. I promise" he told me.

I nodded and waved as he walked off. As he got to the attendant he handed his ticket to her to show he was on this flight. The speakers crackled again "Last call for flight 387 heading to Edmonton. This is last call for anyone boarding". I watched Jordan until he was gone around the corner of the pathway.

Mr. Unexpected- A Jordan Eberle FanficWhere stories live. Discover now