Chapter 19

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Freya and I were walking through the very crowded mall, the smell of pumpkin spice was in the air. Fall was in full force now and Halloween was approaching us, my favorite holiday of them all. Mostly because of the candy and horror movies, it took a lot to scare me. All the shops were trying to get rid of their summer clothes and filled them up with flannels and sweaters.

Currently I was being scolded by my friend for two reasons, for neglecting our friendship by not hanging out and also for not telling her that I was dating Simon. "You would have told me if ever bothered to actually give me a ring, now I was the last to know! What kind of girl friends are we if I can't know stuff before the boys! I'll have you know, I was one of the first people to know that you even liked him, and I helped you admit it to yourself."

"Okay, you're right, next time I have a big secret, you'll be the first to know. Now can we please stop talking about boys, this is supposed to be our day." Just as those words came out of my mouth we walked by Nike and immediately I spotted the sneakers Simon had been talking about wanting to buy. His birthday had passed and I bought him a new football and the first five seasons of The Simpsons on DVD. I had done pretty well, but I didn't need a reason to buy him things. Those shoes have been sold out for weeks now, it was a miracle they were even there that day. If I didn't go in there immediately they would sell out in no time, if they even had a pair in his size...

"Come on let's go," Freya lightheartedly sighed and pulled me toward the store that my eyes were glued to. She knew well that I didn't want to go in there for myself, at least she was a good spirit about it. We can start with the know talking about boys after, even though I did want to ask her about Josh, I haven't seen her around the house lately. She seemed happy enough.

The store was packed, looks like everyone had the same idea as me. It took me several elbow checks and arguments with men twice my size, making sure to pick up a few shirts and shorts for him too since I was already taking a beat down. Freya followed me around the whole time instead of looking to buy something for Josh, not that he really wore anything but Sidemen clothing but still.

We agreed to not talk about the boys and I really tried to bite my tongue, but how could I? "Frey, is everything alright with you and Josh?" You can tell me if something is going on."

She glanced at me and sent me a small smile, "don't really want to talk about it right now if that's okay. Just laugh at my stupid jokes and try on absurd clothes with me."


That's what we did for the rest of the day, we went into nearly every store. We even went into a wedding store and told a sales associate that I was getting married, Freya being my bridesmaid so we could try on ridiculous dresses. The worker couldn't believe the things I asked to try on, putting on a fake smile every time I came out, acting like I was in love with the oversize puffy mess.

Somehow Freya convinced me to get my nose pierced, she was so close to persuading me to get a tattoo but that was a little much. The nose piercing was the next best thing, even if I did cry a little. It looked pretty badass seeing as I opted for a hoop instead of a stud. Other than that, the two of us did our normal shopping for clothes more fitting for the weather. There wasn't too much time where we weren't talking, it seemed like Freya didn't want there to be any silence. Something was going on for sure and if she didn't want to tell me I'd have to ask Josh.

The other option was to mind my own business. That was never going to happen.

My legs felt like they were going to fall off by the time we finally left the mall. On the ride home as soon as one topic ended another one immediately started. It was almost exhausting having to fill the empty conversation. The more time that passed, the more obvious it was to see that everything was far from okay.

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