Chapter 8

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There are two different types of people you'll find yourself attracted to in your life. On one hand you'll find a person where everything just clicks, there's no hardships or questioning each other, it sounds perfect. Then you have the person who challenges you, tries to make you grow even if you don't want to.  But then you find yourself craving more of the hope that person has for you.  Wanting to be better just because they said you could be.  It's a higher feeling than most drugs, why people can get hooked on the wrong person.  Or the right.  It's not always perfect,  but it's not supposed to be, is it?

Harry, Ethan and Cal left later that night after they had sobered up. Nothing spectacular happened after the kiss. Harry asked for my number and told me he'd call me later. It was nearly 1 am but that was nothing for these boys who didn't stop playing video games until the sun came up. I had been in my room changing into some cotton shorts and a tank top because it was blazing hot in this house. Everybody else had travelled back to their rooms, except for Simon who was in the kitchen when I went in there to get a glass of water. He was looking for something inside the fridge.

"What are you looking for?" I asked jumping up onto the counter.

"Food," was all he said.

"I could make you something if you want, I've got nothing better to do."

"No I'm good, thanks." Simon shut the fridge are started heading out. Had I done something wrong? Is he angry about Aaron coming here? He seemed fine after the fact.

I quickly hopped down and chased after the blonde haired boy, "Simon wait." My small hand wrapped around his wrist, pulling him back so he could look at me. He peered down at me. "Did I do something wrong? If it's about what happened tonight I don't want you to be upset about it." It was pathetic, the way I basically was pleading with my eyes for him to be angry with me. He was my first friend since JJ and I really didn't want to mess everything up.

His eyes did soften tremendously from my tone. "I just didn't know you liked him."

"Like him? Are you crazy I would never like someone like him." I could feel my face twist with disgust. Simon looked shocked and I was nearly offended, did he not walk in on Aaron threatening me?

"Then why'd you kiss him?"

Wait. He wasn't angry with me because of Aaron. Simon didn't like it that I kissed Harry. "That's what this is about? Because I kissed Harry for a dare?" Already I could feel my anger rising from the smallest thing that he could treat me that way for something that was absolutely none of his business.

"No?" It came out more like a question because I'm sure he even felt stupid now that it was said out loud.

"You don't have the right to get upset if I kiss someone. And I certainly don't have to like someone in order to kiss them, but for your information Harry is really nice to me. You don't have to worry though, it's like I told JJ, did you by any chance see the boy who had me up against the wall tonight? I quite honestly don't want to date anyone ever again. That's what I thought you were on about, having someone barge into your house that you don't know. Instead all you fucking care about is who I kissed on a bloody dare. Well that's just too fucking bad, yeah? You're going to get over it and you're going to bring me in your room right now and show me how to fucking show me how to edit this stupid video I made for my channel that you forced me to make. Okay?"

Any sort of sound left Simon's voice for a second, he hadn't really seen this side of me yet. If JJ had been listening he'd be laughing his ass off, he was used to seeing crazy Kelsey. His Adam's apple bobbed up at down while he swallowed quickly before saying, "okay."

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