Chapter 7

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" My voice was sturdy, the complete opposite of what I was feeling inside.

"Did you really think I wasn't going to find you? I had to find out from my mates that you were on some Youtube video with some fag, Is that you're new boyfriend, eh? Got over me then?" He pushed his way into the apartment, looking around to see if anyone else was here. I stood by the door, gently shaking. How the fuck did he find me? Leave it up to me to get wrapped up with someone actually insane.

My breathing got shorter the more I thought about how he was right there standing in front of me. Just when things were getting a bit better, Aaron had to show up and ruin everything. "You can't be here, please leave."

"And when I actually thought you loved me Kells, should have known a slut like you who gave it up so easily at the party would give it up just as easily to someone else. I don't like feeling like an idiot babe, and right now I feel pretty fucking stupid."

"Are you actually mental? I didn't give it up to you at the party. You forced yourself on me like you forced your way in here instead of taking a fucking hint." Before I could even finish yelling at him Aaron backed me up into a wall and got in my face. His hand pressed tightly over the base of my neck.

"You're a fucking liar, is that what you've been telling people? No one is ever going to love you like I do babe, after everything I put up with you. You think anyone will ever want to deal with you?" Aaron laughed in my face. I was visibly shaking now, tears were welling up in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. Not in front of Aaron, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

We had a stare down, neither of us moving except for my knees threatening to give out. His breath fanned out on my face from how close he was. It felt like I was watching over myself, this kind of stuff just didn't happen. How could I be the person that was different?

When the front door opened again we both shot our eyes to it, seeing who was coming in. Aaron tried his best to take his hand off of my throat before anyone saw.

It didn't work.

JJ walked in first, but he wasn't the only one who saw. Everyone did. "What the fuck is going on here?" His tone was low opposed to the light and happy JJ he was two minutes ago. It was a shame that what I did had to ruin it.

"JJ, this is Aaron..." I said carefully already knowing what was coming next. He didn't need a further explanation before lunging at the boy only to be grabbed by all of the boys. If it wasn't enough for the people who lived with me to see that, but they had also decided to bring back Ethan and Harry and this boy I've never met before. Fucking great.

"Get the fuck out right now and stay away from Kelsey. If you think I'm playing, try me mate. Leave." JJ's voice sent chills down my spine, I've never seen him so angry before.

Aaron didn't flinch, the disgusting smirk remained on his face. Even as he walked away from me and toward the person ready to kill him he looked happy. JJ was literally being held back by all the boys. I wondered if they had known him too if they would have been keeping Aaron safe. "I'm leaving, but this isn't the last time me and Kelsey see each other. I promise you that." Then he left.

No one spoke after that. At first they looked after Aaron after he left, but once he was gone they turned to me. So many of them were just watching me like I was some kind of side show. If today wasn't enough now all the illusions I've created for myself were slowly falling apart. The new boy, the one I've never seen before, looked terrified. I looked him right in his eying, nearly daring him to say anything and said, "it was really nice meeting you." Before I raced out of the room while the tears threatening me all night were finally freed.

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