Chapter 6

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"ARE YOU MAD?"  Was screamed from Simon's room, causing me to jump.  It had been a week since the segway incident, and honestly?  Harry had been on my mind a lot more lately, Aaron never once told me I was beautiful.  Although he hadn't stopped texting me that he was going to figure out where I was and get me back.  JJ still didn't know about that, and until it escalated to something more, I planned on it staying that way. 

    I opened Simon's door without knocking, thinking he might have been dying or something.  Only to find out that of course he was playing a video game and not in any actual danger.  He looked back to see me in there.

    "Sorry," I whispered, going to close the door.

    "No wait, come here."  He beckoned me over.  The camera was obviously on, recording him, but I still went over by him, careful to stay out of shot.  There was a headset sitting on top of Simon and muffled voices could be here.  "It's Kelsey," he replied to one of of them and then looked straight into the lens of the camera.  "Kelsey is JJ's best mate, she moved in about a week ago.  Say hi," Simon looked at me as if he knew it was something that I had to do, for myself.  To change.

    So I did just that, and more.

    I pulled up another chair right next to his and plopped down.  "Hey...Everyone?"  It came out more as a question because there was no one actually around and who knew who would watch this video.  "What are losing at?"  I nudged Simon.

    "Trivial Pursuit and I'll have to know I'm in 2nd right now.  Ethan is in last, as usual.  Vik says hi by the way."

    "Isn't he in the other room?"


    "Tell him I said hi."  Watching Simon play this game was enough to make me cringe, so many questions he had gotten wrong, most of them were too easy.  Like the question that was the literal reference to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.  These bloody brits all got it wrong, even if they hadn't known it, that would have been the most acceptable guess.  "I can't believe you lot got that wrong.  It'd be way too easy to beat you all.  Who's winning anyway."

    "That's a lot of talk for the girl who hasn't even versed me in Fifa after losing to JJ.  Josh is winning, like always.  Maybe if he stopped picking the geography questions I'd have a chance."

    "Okay for the last time it was by one point and he cheated.  Maybe I should go into Josh's room to be on the winning team."  I could here Josh cheer about me being on his side and Ethan complaining about the questions not being fair.  It seemed fast, how quickly I've grown more comfortable with these guys, but living with people and seeing them everyday, it was almost inevitable. 

    Simon narrowed his eyes at me.  "If you really think you can do better, next time we all play, you're joining in." 

    "Fine."  In the end I actually did whisper a few of the answers to the blond boy and helped him get all the wedges he needed to come in first place.  The other boys knew he obviously cheater and still called Josh the winner.  While closing the video he thanked everybody for watching and told me to say goodbye.

    "Leave a like or a comment if you'd like Kelsey to start a channel of her own.  She's been wanting to but I think she could use more encouragement.  Thank you again, see ya."  Simon shut off his camera and looked at me with a goofy smile.  I couldn't believe he had said that, even though he could easily edit it out, I knew he wouldn't.  JJ had been telling everyone to pressure me into making videos, said it'd be good for me or something.  Like he would know.

    "I can't believe you did that!"  The fake anger in my voice was easy to see through.  I didn't care enough about the videos to have a reaction to them.

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