Sophie just stared at Keefe's eyes and felt a cold feeling wash over her.

"Sophie?" Fitz put his hand on Sophie's shoulder and shook her but she didn't move at all.

Next thing Sophie knew, a sharp pain erupted in her head and everything went black.


"What do you mean Keefe can't stay here?"

"I mean he can't stay here. Near you, Sophie."

"But he's broken!"

"He's still a threat to our family."

"The only threat he is to now is the blanket he's drooling on!"

Sophie glared at Grady as he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. She could tell he was trying hard to not get upset with her but she also wanted to push his buttons a little.

"Sophie look, I know Keefe is like a brother to you but he also nearly killed you on several occasions. He drugged me, Edaline and Fitz and took you to the Forbidden Cities. You're very lucky that Tam and Linh were able to rescue you and Biana--"

"They didn't save us!!" Biana fumed.

"We basically did." Tam said with another smirk of his.

"Not helping." Sophie said through clenched teeth.

"Anyways, Keefe is a threat to you. I don't care if he's broken. I don't even care if he's dead. He's never ever staying with us."

"But Grady..!" Sophie groaned.

"No buts! He's not staying with us!" Sophie knew at that point, Grady was on his breaking point and she was about to tip him off.

"If he doesn't stay with us, I won't stay with you." She said as quietly as she could.

Grady's head snapped up and he glared at her. "What did you just say, young lady?"

"I said if Keefe isn't allowed to stay here then I'm not staying here either! So what he nearly got everyone killed? I've nearly killed everyone in the whole elven world!"

"True. But it's not like you can go anywhere without me and Edaline!"

"I can and I will!"

Sophie and Grady narrowed their eyes at each other and silence filled the room.

"Sophie Elizabeth are staying here where you are safe even if I have to MESMERIZE YOU TO!"

Sophie set her head down and before she knew it, she erupted. "DO IT THEN! I DON'T CARE. YOU BASICALLY TREAT ME LIKE AN UNTAMED ANIMAL ANYWAYS. MIGHT AS WELL PUT ME UNDER CONTROL!" She hit her palms on the kitchen counter and breathed heavily as the words settled into the air. Some of her hair fell in her face but she was too upset anyways.

"Untamed animal? You think I treat you like an untamed animal?" Grady looked  taken aback.

"Yes! You mesmerized me! But I've never seen you mesmerize Edaline since I got here or I don't think even you would mesmerize Jolie. But me. You had no problem mesmerizing me a couple times. Sure I was upset and sure I tried saving your life once but that doesn't give you the excuse to mesmerize. Your. Own. Daughter."

"But you're not my daughter.."

Sophie could feel her heart shatter and she was surprised no one else could hear as the broken pieces felt into her gut.

"What?" She said.

"My daughter couldn't nearly kill everyone. My daughter wouldn't leave me. My daughter wouldn't protect a criminal from society who deserves to be punished!"

Keeper of the Lost Cities: ForgettenWhere stories live. Discover now