Chapter 9

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Fizzy and Linh stayed over at Havenfield since Linh couldn't move and Fizzy was too embarrassed to.

Tam and Dex stayed over too but they had to sleep on the floor in the living area.

Sophie loaned Linh and Fizzy some of her clothes since Linh's were bloody and burned and Fizzy's were too big.

Linh wore a light blue dress that Della bought Sophie when she first moved to the Lost Cities and Sophie never wore it. Fizzy wore Sophie's oversized grey hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants.

Fizzy refused to sleep on Jolie's bed with Linh so Grady offered to let her in Sophie's room.

Dex and Tam wouldn't stop laughing until Fizzy kicked them both in their special places.

The night while Fizzy was snoring quietly on the bedroom floor, Sophie went over to her dresser and pulled out her Spyball.

She held it close to her chest and quietly whispered the words, "Show me Connor, Kate, and Natalie Freeman." The Spyball showed her human family asleep in their own separate rooms.

The sight nearly made Sophie cry but she kept looking at how peaceful they looked. Something moved in Natalie's room and Sophie had to zoom in to see.

She nearly dropped the Spyball.



The next morning, Sophie woke up to see that she fell asleep on the ground next to the dresser.

When she looked on her bed, she saw Iggy was looking down on the other side. His fur was pure white and he had blue and white dreadlocks.

Sophie crawled over to the other side of the bed and saw Fitz, who was spread out on the floor.

Sophie must have turned cherry red, cause you saw Iggy seem to be laughing at her.

"Hush Iggy." She whispered.

Iggy nodded and went back to his cage. Sophie sighed until she noticed the position he was in.

"Iggy no--!"

Iggy grinned as the smell filled the air in Sophie's bedroom. Sophie covered her nose and looked at Fitz, who was stirring.

Sophie quickly ran towards the window but it was too heavy to move. She gave Iggy a death glare and ran over to her bedroom door but it was covered in imp spit.

"Ugh Iggy!" Sophie coughed.

A loud yawn came from behind and Sophie turned around to see Fitz awake.

"Good morning Soph-- what is that smell?" Fitz covered his nose.

"Iggy let his air out and he made sure we couldn't open anything."

"I got it."

Sophie watched as Fitz used his telekinesis to open another window and she ran over to it.

"Sweet air." She mumbled.

"There's Sleeping Beauty." A voice said.

Sophie looked down to see Tam, Linh, and Dex standing in front of the front door.

"Hurry up, we're going to be late for school." Tam smirked.

"Wait, but school is tomorrow!" Fitz yelled from behind Sophie.

"You guys were asleep for the whole day yesterday! It was a side effect from Iggy's fur changing. Sorry!"

"I'm going to kill you, Dizznee!"

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