Chapter 4 (Continuation)

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(Yo! My bad. I accidentally published Chapter 4 too quickly so here's the rest of it. ENJOY!)

Sophie floated in the darkness, trying in every way to find something to hang on. She tried screaming but there was no sound. She kept floating and floating. There was no way she could fight this. She would go down and never rise again. It would be a good thing then she wouldn't have to ruin anyone else's life. She thought of Alden, Keefe, her mom and dad and her little sister Amy. The thought pulled her deeper into the darkness. Everything was her fault. She started to sob but no tears could run down her cheeks. This is what she would do doing for the rest of eternity.

Out of nowhere she felt something tug on her back, pulling her up. She looked around saw Fitz, his strong arms pulling her into the light, his face set with fury and concentration but his eyes full of relief. She saw his mouth move but there was no sound. She tilted her head and look at him in a confused way. Then an ear piercing scream filled her head.

Sophie felt as Fitz lost his grip on her and fell back into darkness. She covered her ears and screamed though she couldn't hear anything over the screeching. The darkness overwhelmed her again, filling her lungs making it even harder to breathe. She struggled around, randomly kicking and turning hoping she would hit something to stop this. Suddenly it was quiet again and darkness in her lungs left, leaving her feeling good. She uncovered her ears and look around but it was still too dark.

Sophie heard a small whisper and gasped as a figure materialized in front of her. If she could cry, there would be waterfalls running down her cheeks. Kenric, she mouthed, floating over and hugging him. She felt as his strong arms wrapped her into an embrace and she looked up at his face. His vivid red hair was the only bright thing she could see and she noticed a small amount of freckles on his nose. She smiled at him and he smiled back. She felt as something tugged at the back of her mind and it slowly formed words.

Sophie, I miss you too. But you know what you have to do. Don't let the Neverseen win without a fight. Give them all you got. Show them that the good triumphs over evil. Show them that the Moonlark will live in. I have to go now. Tell Oralie I miss her. A lot. Goodbye.

Sophie felt as the body she was hugging turned into floating energy and leave her. She stayed floating in the darkness. Speechless. Now knowing what to do, she put her hands on her temples and thought of every overcoming, triumph, successful moment in her life. All of this turned into a raging whirlpool of emotions. She positioned herself with her hands by her side and yelled as she released the uncontrollable energy, shattering the darkness in her mind.

I will defeat the Neverseen and make them pay for what they did to me.

With the darkness destoryed, she reached for her body and escaped back to the physical world.

Keeper of the Lost Cities: ForgettenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin