LOVE BITES Chapter 8 : Simple Little Moments

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Still confused at what I found funny, I pointed to Zac so he could catch on. "Look at him, trying to sneak an arm around her and calling it a stretch." I tried not to laugh, it was adorable really.

"I don't think I understand," Alastair whispered back to me. "So he put his arm around her; what do you find so hilarious about that?"

I faced Alastair with an incredulous look, almost laughing at him as well. "Don't tell me you don't even know what The Move is?" I took the look he gave me as a no. "You know, when you stretch, maybe yawn, and subtly wrap your arm around your date's shoulders?"

"Not especially," he said and returned to his book.

I couldn't believe he'd never heard of this. I laughed again, unable to help it. Hadn't he made an easy first move on at least one girl he took out in high school?

Someone cleared their throat behind me. Realising I was laughing through an emotional scene in the movie, I managed an apology through my chuckles and sank lower in my chair.

When my laughs finally subsided, I side eyed the boy next to me. Huh. So he really doesn't know. Out of everyone, I was sure he at least would have known that move. Then again, when I actually thought about it, Alastair's never mentioned a past girlfriend and I've never witnessed him with someone. Even now, he's never talked about anyone special in his life.

I smiled. Knowing he wasn't seeing anyone made me incrediably happy.

The movie continued and I actually began to enjoy it. I was aware that Brianna hadn't moved Zac's arm from her shoulders. It was probably only an amount of time before they called themselves an official couple now.

So maybe Zac's hard work today wasn't for nothing.

I was nibbling on the popcorn, my attention solely on the giant screen, when from beside me Alastair stretched. I didn't think anything of it until I felt his arm fall around my shoulders. My eyes widened and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"How was that?" he asked smoothly, propping his face on his hand and raising an eyebrow knowingly. "Was that subtle enough?" His almost violet eyes peaked through the dark strands of hair covering his brow, watching my reaction carefully.

"L-look at you," I stuttered, nervously playing with the end of my scarf. "Already a pro." I felt my face warm as he pulled me against him.

He was my brother; I shouldn't have been feeling what I felt when he touched me, when he payed attention to me and yet, I did and what made it worse was that I couldn't help it.

I relaxed against Alastair, resting my head on his shoulder. The cinema was dark and besides Brianna and Zac, who couldn't see us unless they turned around, no one else knew who we were.

This movie just got a whole lot better.

It really was like our own little date.

With his arm around me, his thumb gently stroking my arm, focussing on the movie grew increasingly difficult. Alastair seemed totally relaxed, while I on the other hand felt like a shivering hot mesh. I doubt he knew how much little things like this made me feel.

After some time, I couldn't take how stuffy it was becoming in this dark cinema room. I didn't want to move from the comfortable position I was in, tucked up against Alastair's side, but I also knew that if I didn't get some fresh air and cool myself down, I'd undoubtedly pass out. I excused myself, lying to Alastair by saying I was going to buy us more popcorn. He asked if I wanted him to come and I retorted with, "I'm old enough to buy food without a chaperone."

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