Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

This is almost done, and it’s all going rather well, thought Commander Hoim’n to himself as he brought his presentation to a close with the conclusions of his engineers. They had spent hours defending their existence by analyzing computer readouts, various data trends, and other findings they uncovered. He knew that his men were sound workers, loyal to the Sith Empire without question, leaders in their technical fields of expertise. With the pending mission into the Core worlds, they needed to show how well they knew what the problem was, and convey the reliability of the engineering systems with the fixes they were prepared to make. His men had heartily enjoyed the food provided for the meeting with Lord Durus, and they had confidently presented their findings and data under grueling scrutiny. He was proud of his engineering team. And now it was time for the conclusion.

“Lord Durus, if I may, the saboteur has been seeking to destroy equipment by varying the power to wear down components without tripping the safety mechanisms. We have determined values to use that will narrow the operating ranges in order to maintain reliability of the machinery, and possibly help us to track the saboteur if more system changes are attempted. Do you have any further questions, my Lord?”

Durus had been extremely inquisitive throughout the demonstration. He barely ate any of the food himself, but periodically encouraged the engineers to enjoy the food. Hoim’n was rather surprised at how cordial Durus could be, given all of the rumors that had been all he knew about the Umbaran Sith Lord.

“No, Commander,” replied Durus. “I am quite confident in the plan you have outlined.”

Durus stood from his seat, and all of the engineers followed suit.

“No! Please! Carry on! I understand dessert is still in order. Please stay and finish. There is time for the work ahead of us. I need to concur with my other associates. Will you join us, Commander? Admiral?” He nodded to Subtyr, and then led the three men out of the conference room into the corridor.

When the door slid shut, each of the engineers merrily began returning to the quality food before them. Steev checked his glass, and seeing it empty motioned to the dark-skinned, curly-blond Zabrak woman who had stood silently along the wall, and asked, “Is there any more of that ale?”

Oblivia smiled and nodded, retrieved the pitcher of ale from the serving table and brought it to Steev, pouring it for him.

Indicating where Hoim’n had been seated, he asked her, “Would you care to sit with us for a bit?” All of the engineers had noticed her movements and her slender figure beneath the cloak she wore loosely. She pretended to be uncertain if she should do such a thing, to which a comment came from another engineer, “We would love for someone of your beauty to join us in a toast.”

“Don’t mind Dann,” said another, Sohta, indicating his hearty colleague, “He’s expressed as much to nearly every woman on the ship.”

A few of the engineers chuckled, and Oblivia smiled warmly, nodded again, and said, “Very well, then; for a few minutes.”

She sat gracefully into Hoim’n’s empty chair, and the engineers cheered her decision as one of the other servers brought her a new glass filled with ale.

Steev raised his glass, and said, “To restoring the ship,” he said twisting to see all of his companions, “and to new beginnings,” he added indicating the Zabrak woman. They all raised their glasses…

In the corridor, Durus stood in front of Hoim’n uncomfortably close, their noses just inches apart as Durus’ eyes bored into Hoim’n’s, unmistakably serious, and for some reason, Hoim’n noticed he was unable to move himself away, even if he dared to.

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