Dead Alice.

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"Have I gone mad?" I ask my new doctor. A young woman, probably in her mid twenties with cropped brown hair and black rim glasses on the tip of her nose.
"I'm afraid so" She retorts without lifting her head up from scribbling nonscence on her clip board. A few minutes of silence pass and she's still writing on that damn clipboard, not saying anything. The only sounds being the ticking of the clock and tapping of my foot.
"Can I go back to my cell now?"
"Not yet, Alice"
"Alice?" I snap.
She finally looks up only to be met with the peircing gaze of my green eyes. I giggle as I watch the blood drain from her now terrified face.
Strike one.
Standing up, I slowly approach her now cowarding form.
"I'm guessing no one told you"
"T-told me w-what?"
"Alice is dead. She died many years ago in a fire" My voice hoarsens and fills with venom. Seeming to gather an ounce of courage, she straightens up (though only slightly).
"No, you are Alice. Sit down so we may continue our session"
Strike two.
"There. Is. No. Alice"
"For goodness sakes, this is your brain creating split personalities due to trauma. You believe that you are not Alice, but you are. So sit d-"
Strike three.
"That's it" I growl.
Standing behind her chair, I place my hands on her shaking head and with one quick twist. Snap. She's dead, just like innocent little Alice.
Immediately, an alarm sounds and the room goes into lock down. Stupid security cameras... All natural light from the adjacent window is blocked out by a steel barrier clamping down, similar to that which now seals the door. A singular red alert light flashes over head, creating a lovely sinister feel in the room. Approaching footsteps of the guards can vaguelly be heard over the ear peiring alarm. It's not the first time I've killed someone. And I doubt it'll be the last.

As the doors open, I begin to recite one of my favourite poems
"As the blood drips from my hand,
I return to my very own Wonderland.
Where there are no cops,
The people are strange
And the madness never stops.
Of course there's an ongoing bloody exchange
And it always involves the Hatter.
But if that weren't the case then something would definitelly the matter."

Spinning in a cirle, I let out a childish giggle and feel something prick my neck. I pull out a dart and immediately fix my gaze on a guard standing in a firing position at the now open door.
"You bitch!" I scream, whilst lunging towards said guard ready to rip him to peices. But before I get there, darkness consumes my vision and I fall to the ground.

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