Somethings up

3 1 0

Scotts pov
Once I get to the station I find the girl forcing Dan to watch cartoons.
That's dedication for you.
I sit next to them and start to talk.
"So what's your name kid?"
Sounds like her throat hurts.
"Give him your real name kid."
"Not a chance."
"Why were you in the van."
"Kidnappers give candy." She said as if mocking someone. She begins to cough.
"You sure."
"Actually they give disease."
Cute kid, cute.
"Do you know them?"
"Do you know them?"
"They're my uncles."
I slam my fists on the table, very annoyed.
"Are you serious."
"Never seen them in my life."
"Kid stop playing with me."
"Call me ink, and isn't play in the description of a kid?"
For once, I'm frustrated.
"Why would they kidnap you?"
"Cuz I'm a dumb kid."
"Clearly" Dan responds.
"And clearly your an oblivious cop guy."
Dan growls.
"Alright, my turn." He starts.
"Why try taking a tv when you are already so weak?"
"Why try talking to cops who think your a dumb child."
"Because you are a dumb child!"
"Dan calm down!"
"Shut up Scott!"
"This is why I never let anyone else deal with the teen cases."
"I'm done!"
Dan walks out of the room.
Ink snickers and starts to cough afterwards.
She's in no shape for stealing.
If she was being kidnapped, it was because she was an easy target.
Seriously I can count her ribs.
"You want anything?"
"A tv apparently."
"Food, and no sarcasm."
"Like you said, food."
"Any allergies."
"Just to stupidity."
"Anything else?"
"Normal things."
"You're not allergic to trends Ink."
She suddenly burst out of her seat, though upon further inspection it was clearly out of joy.
"Finally! Someone who calls me by my name!" She breaks into a coughing fit again.
I hand her a water and some candy I found in the back.
Apparently there's someone at the station who's obsessed with sweethearts.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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