Chapter 16

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Chase remained at the table with Avery and Cadence. The two sisters were engrossed in a discussion regarding their father, leaning toward each other and talking passionately between themselves, causing Chase's attention to drift to the Caelan security personnel. They had confiscated the bottle and listened to Regulus Asterion as he quietly relayed the story of what happened. He spoke in his native language, leaving Chase very much out of the discussion, but he watched the entire exchange with interest.

He recognized Sandy Hair and Red Tie among the security staff—they were the ones who tried to keep Chase from getting into the party when he first arrived. As they now spoke to Avery's father, Red Tie raised his voice and pointed at Chase, saying, "Oportet quod hoc sit per aliquam indigena insidias!"

Asterion silenced him with a shake of his head and a stern look, saying, "Nunc veni, ut salvares animam meam."

Chase wasn't sure what that meant, but Red Tie seemed ashamed, giving Chase a somewhat apologetic look.

At the conclusion of the conversation, Theo, the head of security, motioned for Asterion to follow him while dialing someone on his cell phone and holding it to his ear. Sandy Hair and Red Tie followed, as did Gavin and a man with a goatee that Chase didn't recognize.

They made their way to the west door and exited through it. Chase remembered that door. It was how he originally entered—it led to the outdoor grounds.

He turned his attention toward Nathan, who was at least using English. He was speaking to another Caelan who had just completed a subtle spot-check of random bottles throughout the reception, finding nothing suspicious. Nathan nodded appreciatively, deciding that since it was still unclear as to what exactly was in the Averna—if anything—there was no need to alarm everyone unnecessarily. So he took to the stage, addressing the remaining guests and conveying a message that all was well.

To Chase, it didn't feel like deception as much as Nathan's overriding need to make sure that everyone was enjoying themselves. It seemed to Chase that Nathan would go to any lengths to keep things running smoothly. Even to the detriment of Avery's or her father's safety.

So most of the guests remained, convinced that nothing serious happened outside of a spilled drink. The few who chose to depart did so slowly, meandering toward the doors while saying informal goodbyes to friends and colleagues on the way out.

The band was done for the night, but Nathan spoke with the DJ, making sure that the music—and the party—continued. As he headed back toward Chase's table, Nathan had a few words with random guests, making sure that they were all having a good time.

He's quite a host, I'll give him that. Chase thought.

The DJ played "At Last" by Etta James, causing Chase to look quizzically in that direction. It seemed that the Caelans were running the classic script of traditional wedding reception songs, making Chase wonder about their taste in music and how things worked on their world.

At least they're keeping it classy and not playing that damn chicken dance.

Nathan returned and took a seat next to Avery, but before he could say anything, Chase intercepted him with a question. "Nathan, why do you guys have both a band and a DJ? I'm just curious. And why are you using our music and not your own?"

Nathan unbuttoned his coat and crossed his legs, looking at Chase offhandedly, "Everyone knows that live music is always a better listening experience—it's much more sonorous." He shrugged and added, "But the DJ plays every song in its original form, by the original artist—which is usually a better rendition than a copy. I suppose that striving for the best of both worlds is my way of making the evening as enjoyable as possible."

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