Chapter 9

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Chase looked up at them as the dizziness began to dissipate, seeing their faces for the first time since being slammed back-first onto the hard floor. He could feel their knees still pressing down on his elbows and legs, keeping him in place. As the fog wore off, the pain came. He could feel his injured leg crying out.

It was the pain that brought it all back. The man with the beard had confessed that Avery was his target, causing Chase to lose control. He remembered roaring and violently lunging at the man, and then being held back by Chambers' men. He struggled through, but more came, eventually slamming him backward onto the floor. They brought him down with such force that he hit his head and lost consciousness.

"Get off me," Chase said.

"Are you chill?" one of them asked.


They slowly relaxed their grip, convinced by his coherent tone of voice. As they got off of him, Chase groggily sat up and looked around the room. It sounded like there was a screeching alarm in his head. He tried to shake it out, but it wouldn't stop. His eyes settled on the chair. It was empty—the prisoner was gone.

"Where is he?" Chase demanded.

"Relax," Chambers said, standing off to the side, lighting a cigarette. "He's fine. We took him to the clean room."

"The clean room?"

"Yeah, you can question him there. Or else do him if you want—but the disposal will cost you."

Chase groggily got off of the floor and looked for his phone, cursing the pain in his leg and the annoying sound of the alarm in his head.

Avery, or Nathan?

He called Nathan, not trusting himself to talk to Avery. Nathan had Avery's self interest in mind anyway, just like he did. He would ensure that she was safe.

There was no answer.

"Damn, they're at the party. What time is it? Hello, Nathan, it's Chase. I know you're busy but call me back when you get this. I found the beard. It was not me he was trying to kill, it was Avery. I don't know why yet, but you need to make sure that she's safe. Call me back."

"Madison, you alright?" Chambers asked.

"No," Chase answered, putting his hand to the back of his head. "This makes no sense, and I don't like when things make no sense."

Chambers shook his head, "That's not what I mean. You were going to kill that guy."

"Yeah, so?"

"Unwise," Chambers warned, shaking a finger. "If he wants to whack your girl, don't you want to find out why?"

"I guess."

"You're emotional," he said. "Be smart. The guy might be lying to save himself. Hell, I wouldn't want to admit trying to kill you if you were standing right in front of me."

"I don't think he was lying."

"If you kill him then you'll never know," he pointed out. "Besides, I don't want anyone dying up here. I just had a new carpet installed."

Chase rubbed the back of his head, "My head is pounding—and I keep hearing a screeching alarm sound." He turned to Chambers and asked, "Where's this 'clean room'?"

Chambers looked at him in concern, "That alarm sound is not in your head, Madison. It's coming from the garage."


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