Chapter Two - Spýtaeld

Start from the beginning

I swallow hard and grit my teeth trying not to let his threats effect me, though the words certainly sink deeply into my skin. I wish I could wash the feeling of them away, but alas, I cannot. I acquiesce and Frey nods, taking my arm, much gentler this time. 

“Watch him like Huginn and Muninn,” Frey says lowly as he makes eye contact with all his men. Some have clearly gone off to other things, there being a few fewer than I recall. They nod and grunt their recognition of his orders and then he hurries off beyond and deeper into the woods, dragging me close behind. We go along like this for a quite a while in complete silence, until we stop under a tall oak-looking tree and Frey sits down on one of its bulky roots. He gestures for me to sit across from him and I do. I lean my back against the tree trunk and look at him - I mean, I really look at him for the first time. He is a handsome, if weary, man. His skin is cleaner than it was at the edge of the lake, meaning he took the time to actually clean himself. His brown curls are hit by the light filtering through the trees so that I can detect the traces of auburn in them. His clear blue eyes are suddenly much more solemn than before as well. He absentmindedly strokes his stubbly chin, not realizing I am scrutinizing every inch of him. His clothes are dark and simple, grey pants tucked into worn black boots, and a black tunic sporting a few worn holes of its own. 

Suddenly he meets my gaze and he gets up so that he is kneeling in front of me. He grasps my face and kisses both cheeks before he places a lingering kiss on my lips. He presses his forehead to mine and I swallow my anger and revulsion. “So, how is this supposed to work? You rape me and do as you please and I am just supposed to take it?”

Frey looks surprised but then he lets out a throaty laugh, deep and mellow. I can feel the vibrations of the laughter through his chest pressed close to mine. “No, no, spýtaeld, we will have nothing of the sort.”

“I don’t...understand?”

“We have an old tradition in the village I come from. We kiss those we respect. Of course, these are usually old, battle-weary men, but a beautiful woman is a nice change indeed,” Frey smiles. 

I blink. “What the actual fuck is happening?”

He sighs, “I am trying so hard to support and take care of my family, spýtaeld. I am trying, but no matter how hard I work, or how much money I make, most of it is going straight back to Odin’s coffers. The taxes have left so many of us small villages in debt and incapable of keeping up. My wife and child have been working at the palace to try and make enough money for our baby on the way, but it is impossible...” his voice breaks off. He rubs his temples furiously as though he is trying to erase something from his skin.  “My men and I do not want to hurt you, love. We just want your help.”

“You help? To what...change your fates? Somehow make your humble lives easier? Allow you to stop paying taxes? It doesn’t work like that, Frey!” I hear my own voice rising and I realize the words only after I’ve said them. Frey sits back on his heels and stares at me with disappointment clear in his eyes.

“I expected you to be different...I do not know why.”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean that at all,” I say quietly. Frey doesn’t even look at me now. “I want to help you, I do, I just...I just...well, I don’t know how. I don’t have any real power. Neither does Loki, after all he’s done. I wouldn’t even know where to begin,” I admit. 

“You have the power you give yourself.”

I laugh bitterly. “That’s profound...profoundly simple-minded, Frey. I can assure you it’s not that easy. Especially when I don’t believe in myself...all I can do is think how many times I’ve failed. I’ve failed so many people - ”

“You haven’t! You know as well as I how people sing your praises across Asgard, Valkyrie. I believe in you as do the people of - ”

I shake my head, “Stop. Just...stop. I don’t think you understand. On that battlefield I watched man after man lose his life, with me powerless to help. So much death. And I’ve spent too much time in that court of Odin’s, not belonging even now that he’s embraced me. I just...I guess that’s why I ran. I thought we were being spontaneous, Loki and I, but I realize now I was just running. Running from all the expectations, and the responsibility. We have to go back...we have - ”

Frey interrupts me by grabbing my face roughly and he kisses me. This kiss is very much unlike the kiss of respect. Instead it is rough and a little hostile, as though it was just an attempt to get me to shut up. Which, strangely enough, I kind of appreciate. But then, of course, he continues to kiss me, his faint beard scratchy against my skin. I am aware of his thumb stroking my cheek, running its course along my high cheekbones. His mouth doesn’t taste like much. I think it is this nothingness that keeps me from my screaming instincts to fight back. It feels...harmless. 

We pull away from each other at the same time, his hands falling into my lap before he quickly retracts them close to himself. We stare into each other’s eyes, chests rising and falling in strange unison. I part my lips to say something but no sound comes, nor do any thoughts. 

“I should not have...”

“No, I’m sorry.” I think instantly of Loki and I stand up abruptly. My side suddenly aches. I repress the pain. “Can we go back?”

“Yes, of course.”

“I promise I will do what I can for you, if you will allow us to go back to the palace. I will personally deal with Odin, and I am sure I can get Thor to see your side. I will do this for you...because you deserve it.”

We say nothing further on the matter and then we head back the way we came, walking side by side through the forest. The ground crunches beneath our boots, and there is the occasional audible breath besides the tense silence. We emerge to where we began and Loki is sitting in the exact same place he sat before, body still and eyes closed. On the ground lay all the previously assumed kidnappers, fast asleep. At least, I assume them to be asleep.

“They were a poor match, but they did try. You must give them some semblance of commendation. When they awake, of course,” Loki says calmly without even opening his eyes. I stand, staring at him and slowly his eyelids flutter open. “I trust you have returned my betrothed in the condition in which she left with you. In the case that you have not, be assured that I will personally rip your vile innards out that cantankerous hole intended as a mouth.”

Loki,” I say lowly, reprimanding. He smiles and shrugs, acting as innocent as ever. I look to Frey to ask for silent permission and he nods slightly. I rush to Loki and tackle him over into the grass. I barely notice the ripple of pain.

“Loki,” I breathe against his neck. 

“My love,” Loki coos back. “What happened? Are you alright?”

I hesitate to answer, “I’m...fine.”

“Val...” he begins but I don’t give him the chance. 

“We should really get going. We have a long journey back and much to talk about,” I say as I sit up, pulling Loki up with me. 

Frey steps forward, “Actually, I was just hoping Loki could transport us...”

“I suppose I could,” Loki says as he gets to his feet. 

I shake my head and place my hand on his arm, “No, no. I don’t think so. Traveling to Midgard with just the two of us nearly killed you, Loki. Don’t you remember?”

“Of course I remember,” he scoffs, “and it was a different time. And a different planet. I shall be fine.”

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