A Hostile Teacher

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A scene of flashes of your beaten and abused life, and the memories, sweet memories of before all the torture are shown to you as you fall down, "This is it..." You thought, "I'm going to die here, when I hit the ground, and have done exactly what I feared deep down would happen... No one will remember..." You close your eyes and wait for the painful death you were sure waited for you.

But nothing happened

"Hu?" Curious you open one eye to realize, your not falling anymore. Groaning from the bright light though you sit up and look around noticing a very small hole guessing that's where you came from. "Hu? What??? What's going on here?!" Confused as to why you didn't perish and why it didn't hurt at all you looked below you, "hey... Its those yellow flowers from earlier..." Feeling the soft petals you blink after one yelps. Among them, was a flower with a face? With a start you yelp and jump back, "Ahhh!" Falling backwards you hit your butt and the flower stands taller and starts to yell at you for pulling on one of its petals. "YOu StuPId KiD hAsnT anYoNe TaughT you to KeEp to YouRsElf?!" You start to tear up as the times your father yelled at you for things takes over your instincts and say sorry over and over again in fear that he would hurt you. The flower takes one look at you and tchs. "Your the most pathetic thing here... But I guess it wouldn't hurt to teach you something. Brat. So listen up." With a sniff you wipe away your tears and look at him. "So I guess you already have figured this out by now, but this isn't the same place you came from. Am I right?" You nod and he continues. "Yeah thought ya did ,anyways, this place is called the Underground and its filled with monsters. Here you will have to live by one thing. L.O.V.E. Now, let me show ya something." Within a few seconds some music from no where starts playing that seems to peppy for the mood the flower is in, everything goes black and white, and a glowing heart appears on your chest, it seems to be several different colors but red was right in the center and was most dominately glowing. "So my name is  Flowey. No Puns." You giggle a little as Flowey glares you down. " as I was saying. No puns, anyway, look to your right and left," you do and see Fight and Action buttons on the left, and Item and Mercy buttons on the right. "Those are your battle buttons. You can chose to fight, use an action, or even give mercy to something. Though I wouldn't suggest doing that last one, you most likely wouldn't survive. Anyways, chose fight real quick." You chose fight and your body sees green, red, and yellow on a scale like thing, but you miss your chance to attack as you didn't know what that function was, "okay... Your going to need to work on that, anyways, there are some enemy's, like me for example, who can help you heal up. Here, these are called friendlyness pellets. Get as many as you can." Flowey has some little white floaty things encircle you, "Go on." You frown feeling like their dangerous but move toward one anyway. You touch it but instead of not hurting you feel several sharp painful hits allover your body and a meter at your left hand corner just below your action buttons drops to 1 point of what you assume health. Laughing in a distorted voice and grinning manicly at you. "YOU STUPID KID! DO YOU JUST ALWAYS ACCEPT A STRANGERS HELP?! HERE ITS KILL OR BE KILLED!" laughing Flowey takes another round and starts to slowly torture you about your upcoming death but as you bend down griping your head and try to talk him out of it in a panic attack you hear something, "Get away from the poor child you evil plant!" Flowey turns to the source and yells out as they get hit with a fire ball of sorts. The battle screen fades out and everything turns to color after a few moments.
"Child? Child! Are you alright?!" As you shake crying from the shock all balled up on the flowered ground, you feel a soft, furry, paw like structure on your back in a soothing gesture. "Child? What's your name?" After a few seconds you calm down from you panic attack. "W-wh-who are y-you?" You scoot away slowly and look at the creature who just saved you. With a soft understanding smile she answers. "My name is Toriel dear, and if I may be up front, you need some help... What's your name child?" You frown and rub your left arm still on your knees on the flower patch. "M-my name i-is (y-y/n) Miss Toriel...." Toriel smiles. "Alright... Now come along child." She reaches out a paw and you go to take her paw but yelp in agony as the wounds Flowey inflicted were shown to be bleeding heavily. Toriel gasp as you clutch your stomach crying from the pain, "Child!" She rushes to your side and picks you up gently and rushes with you to somewhere safer, As she does so you start to black out from the blood loss. "Please stay with me child!" The last bit sounded so soft you nearly missed it. "I can't lose you to..."

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